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My alarm wakes me up and I hear Scarlett singing super loud across the hallway. The first thing I remember is what happened yesterday. After we left the park hand in hand, we drove back to the hospital. It was 11:00 when we got back and I walked him to his room. We said goodnight and I headed home with the biggest smile on my face. Scarlett still wasn't home when I got there so I went straight to bed. I figure by her singing that she had a good day as well.

I decided to lay in bed a while longer so that I can relive all of yesterday's events; the way he kept me close in the museum because he was worried, the way he held my hand so we wouldn't get separated, the way he looked at me like I actually had worth, the way he kept me laughing all day, the way he made me feel when he told me I was pretty. I must be crazy to fall for him so quickly but I can't help it. He is everything I have ever wanted in a guy. But why would he like me? I mean he could have any girl in the world so I shouldn't get my hopes up.

"Victoria! You're awake! I have so much to tell you!" Scarlett appears in my doorway and jumps onto my bed.

"You weren't home when I got here, and I got home pretty late," I laugh and motion for her to continue.

"Well he definitely likes me, I can tell. He kept me with him all day and I got to go in on a few surgeries! Then towards the end of the day he asked if I would go to dinner and I obviously couldn't turn him down, I mean who would? So  we went to a fancy restaurant and he bought my dinner and then we drove back to his house and watched a few movies and talked. He didn't kiss me or anything because he said he didn't want to go too quick, which I agreed. I ended up falling asleep on his couch so I just got home a little bit ago."

"Do you think he will request you again today?" I question with a hopeful smile.

"I sure hope so! What about you... where were you at yesterday?" She smirks and scoots closer.

"I just went out with a patient," I shrug and get up to change and get ready for the day. I hate not telling her but I don't know how she will react.

"Oh, that's boring. Well I hope you have a better day today then!" She smiles and skips back out of the room. I roll my eyes, knowing that today can't possibly be better than yesterday. After putting my hair in a bun and getting myself ready, we head to work. I tune Scarlett out with whatever she is rambling about and think about what would happen today.

When we get to the hospital and run by the cafe, we go to clock in. Scarlett is assigned to Dr. Taylor and I can't help but be nervous about what will happen to me today... Would I be able to hang out with Harry today? Would he have a new doctor? Would I be stuck with somebody like Albert all day today? The possibilities are endless.

"Victoria, I would like you to work a little with Harry today and keep his spirits high. Aside from that you also need to visit Albert, Lora, and Cathy."

"Alright," I smile and head on my way. I go see Harry first and then take care of the others.

"Good morning, Mr. Styles. How are you feeling today?" I ask with a smile.

He rolls his eyes and chuckles, "You're such a dork."

"Just doing my job!" I wink, "I'm actually going to have to visit a few other patients this morning and then the rest of the day is yours."

"Alright, then go get on with it! I have quite a day planned," he smirks and I just laugh and walk back out to head to Albert's room. I definitely don't feel comfortable around him but I don't have much of a choice. I walk in quickly and grab his charts, avoiding eye contact.

"So you've got chronic back pain, did you see your physical therapist yesterday?"
I ask with my face still scanning the page.

"No, I don't like physical therapy. But I like you," I look up to glare and see him wink.

"You need to start physical therapy right away, unless you want surgery." I give him a stern look.

"Fine, I'll go." He rolls his eyes, frustrated that he lost. I immediately turn around to leave and have someone take him to physical therapy, then I head to Lora's room. I walk in and notice that George isn't here today and Lora's awake.

"Good afternoon, how are you feeling?" I smile and grab her charts.

"I'm alright," she shrugs and takes her attention to the TV.

"We are gonna order a cane for you and have you start on physical therapy. I'll send a nurse in to get a schedule set up."

"Okay, thank you!" She smiles and turns away again. I feel bad for her, she seems very lost in thought. I find myself wanting to stay.

"So tell me about you and George," I smile. She immediately turns to me with a sparkle in her eye. I know she's deeply in love with him.

We met in high school. He was in theater and I was a volleyball player, very different group of friends. One day my sophomore year, we were paired together in my Language Arts class. After that I noticed he was in a lot of my classes and we ended up talking more. He would always compliment me and sweet talk me. By the time summer came, I was just hoping he would ask me on a date but he didn't. I was quite disappointed because I realized I liked him a lot. A few days into summer, he showed up at my house with flowers and asked me to dinner. Of course I agreed and we had a great night. I knew after that that he was the one for me. He eventually asked to go steady and I said yes. He proposed on June 6, 1972 and we have been married since. We never had any children, but we were content with each other.

"I hope one day I have a love like yours," I smile.

"Oh you will, you're a sweet girl. But don't go searching, it'll come to you," she begins to yawn and I decide I will let her lay down. I say goodbye and walk to Cathy's room. She is as enthusiastic as I remember, if not more. I ask her how physical therapy is going and get an update on her condition. Since everything's going to plan, I head to Harry's.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Caster. I was starting to think you weren't coming," he winks and leans back with his hands behind his head and his ankles crossed. I now call this his signature pose and I don't mind having it be a regular thing of his.

"The rest of the day is yours, what's your plan?"

He smirks with a childish look in his eyes. "Board games."

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