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"Before I say anything about my weekend, tell me about yours! I saw the video of you guys dancing in the airport! It's basically gone viral!" Scarlett jumps on my bed.

"Really?!" I ask curiously as I grab my phone and open Twitter. Sure enough it is filling my entire news feed and I find myself smiling as I watch the video and save it to my camera roll.

"You guys are so cute!" She smiles and sits back, "What else happened?"

"Well, we went all around London on Saturday and it was so beautiful! I love it there so much! I also met the guys and-"

"You met Louis?!" Scarlett interrupts as she shakes my shoulders violently.

I laugh and push her back, "Yes, he's quite charming but you're taken."

"About that..." she looks down and bites her lip.

"What did Lucas do?!" I ask and think about all the horrible things I would do to him if he hurt her.

"Well..." she mumbles and a smile breaks across her face which makes me beyond confused.

"Spit it out, Scar!"

"He proposed!" She brings her hand from out of her pocket to show the enormous diamond ring on her finger.

"Oh my goodness!" I jump up excitedly and then a frown covers my face quickly. "Scar, you've only been dating for few weeks."

"I know, I know. I just KNOW that he's the one for me! The wedding will be in two months! I want you to be my maid of honor and Harry will be the best man of course!" She smiles as I try to be happy.

"I'm really happy for you, I am! I'm just a little worried that you're going too fast," I bite my lip and wait for her reaction. She frowns and looks at me frustrated.

"You're supposed to be on my side. Why can't you just be happy for me? You always have to put in your stupid opinion!" She yells before leaving the room and slamming the door.

"Scar, please-" I follow her but quickly get interrupted.

"No. Get out. I can't believe my best friend is so selfish," she says before closing her bedroom door in my face. I sigh and leave her alone to calm down. I grab my car keys and leave a note on the counter saying I'll be back soon. Since I'm still dressed, I only have to slip on my shoes and grab my purse before leaving the apartment. I drive to Harry's quickly and ring the doorbell a few times. He opens the door with sweatpants and a t-shirt on and furrows his eyebrows.

"Hey," he half asks as he opens the door.

"Hi," I say as he closes the door and grabs my hand before pulling my into a room I haven't been in before. It looks like a recording studio and he sits down and motions for me to sit by him on the other chair by his.

"What's going on?" He asks as he turns to me with his hands folded in his lap.

"I got some pretty crazy news and now Scarlett is really mad at me," I look down and frown. We haven't fought since high school when I didn't approve of her boyfriend. I can't even remember any other time we ever fought.

"Mind if I ask what the news was?" He ask softly as he tilts my chin up with his finger and brushes the hair from my face.

"Lucas proposed to her and they are getting married in two months," I say quickly. He looks absolutely bewildered and furrows his eyebrows.

"They've barely been dating for a few weeks!" He says and shakes his head as he looks at the wall in thought.

"That's what I told her, but she got mad and wouldn't talk. She wants me to be the maid of honor and you to be the best man," I add.

He puts his face in his hands, "This is not going to end up well. They don't know each other nearly well enough!" He furrows his eyebrows again and looks pretty frustrated.

"I don't think that there is anything we can say to convince her otherwise. Maybe everything will end up alright," I mumble and stand up quickly.

Harry grabs my hand and looks up at me worriedly, "Where are you going?"

"I just need a drink."

"Oh, alright," he stands up and follows me to the kitchen. Once I have a glass of water, I follow Harry back to the recording room and sit back down.

"What are you working on? I've never seen this room before," I ask curiously while looking around.

"Just trying a few things with this song, I like to mess around with my piano tracks."

"Ahh, can I hear?"

"Sure," he chuckles and puts the giant headphones over my head before clicking play. I close my eyes and lean back, letting the music take over me. The song is fast paced but very beautiful. It isn't very long and it's over before I would like it to be.

I open my eyes and pull the headphones down onto my neck. "You look adorable with my headphones on," Harry smiles and pecks my cheek causing me to blush furiously.

"Thanks, I really like the song!" I say as a smile spreads across his face showing his dimples.

"Thank you!" He looks down and looks back up with a curious expression, "What would you do if I asked you to marry me?"

"You aren't right now are you?" I ask with wife eyes.

"No, of course not! I just was wondering."

"Hmm, well I would probably say that I want to wait a little while longer but eventually yes."

He looks extremely relieved as he sighs with a smile, "Alright good." He stands up and pulls me up into a hug. I smile and hug him back tightly.

"I love you, Harry. I always will."

"I love you, too."

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now