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I wake up to the curtains being opened. It takes me a minute to remember where I am but when I do, a smile spreads across my face.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Harry says across the room. I look up to see him leaning on the doorframe.

"Good morning, Harry," I blush as I get up.

"Breakfast is ready if you're hungry."

"I'll be there in a minute," I smile and he walks to the kitchen. I lay back down on my bed, remembering the kiss we shared last night. Although we didn't kiss again after that, I can't get it out of my head. He was playful the rest of the night until we went to bed and I am realizing how much I really am falling for him. I have so many thoughts running through my head. Did he kiss me because he likes me? Does he just think I'm pretty? Is he interested in a relationship? Will he kiss me again? The smoke alarms snap me out of my thoughts.

"Harry! What did you do?" I yell while running towards the kitchen laughing. When I get there, I see that there are biscuits and gravy sitting out. There is smoke coming from the coffee pot setting off the alarm. I go to the door and open it to let the smoke out. Harry is standing on a chair by the smoke alarm attempting to turn it off. I find myself laughing at this and he sends me a glare.

"Sorry about that," he runs a hand through his hair when the alarms finally turned off.

"Don't worry about it," I chuckle before taking a bite of my biscuits and gravy. I am lucky that he can cook, I don't like to cook all the time.

We haven't talked about what happened between us yet and I'm not sure how to bring it up. As if Harry can read my thoughts, he looks up at me.

"About last night, I'm sorry if I invaded your space." He runs a hand through his hair as he breaks eye contact. I'm starting to love when he does this.

"You didn't," I say simply, not sure how to respond.

"I like you, Victoria. I know we haven't known each other long but I really like you. It's like you understand me. You don't treat me like I'm a celebrity, you treat me like a normal person. You make me feel normal again, like I can forget about the fame and just be myself," Harry says while keeping eye contact. I can tell he is a little nervous for my response.

"I like you, too. You aren't like anybody I've met before," I smile and look down. When I look back up, he has a smile across his face with his dimples shining.

"I know we can't pretend like you're not my doctor forever, but could we just escape that for the rest of the weekend?" He asks sincerely.

"Of course," I nod.


The sky is the prettiest blue I've ever seen and there isn't a cloud in sight. We are sitting on a bench at an opening by a cliff. The view is breathtaking. We had decided to go explore the island today and we discovered this after eating lunch. Besides that, we came across a few beaches and hiking trails.

"Where is your favorite place to escape to?" Harry asks while looking towards the ocean.

"My room, in a good book," I smile to myself.

"Books are pretty great to escape to," he laughs and looks at me.

"Definitely," I says quietly, not moving my eyes from Harry's. We don't say anything for a few seconds until I break the silence. "We should keep exploring before it gets dark."

"You're right," he gathers his stuff together and stands up, stretching a hand out to help me up. I gladly take it as he leads me along the trail. We don't say much as we walk through the woods, we just enjoy the view. The trees are tall and a beautiful shade of green, although I can't say they were my favorite green. Harry's eyes will forever be my favorite green. They have a depth to them that is almost impossible to look away from.

I am so lost in thought that I'm no looking where I am going and trip on a branch. I fall forward and land on my hand that isn't occupied with Harry's hand. He tries to catch me but he ends up tumbling to the ground along with me. Luckily when my arm gave out, my head landed on Harry's chest and not the ground. We both break into laughter in a sprawled out mess in the middle of a forest floor.

"Do you not pay attention where you walk?" Harry asks between laughs.

"I was lost in thought!" I defend myself.

"Thinking about me?" He asks with a wink.

"Why would that be your concern?"

"So you WERE thinking about me," he pulls me closer to him and smiles, putting his dimples on full view.

"Maybe," I shrug. He smirks and puts his hand on my cheek, pulling me in for a kiss. The second kiss is just as magical as the first. It doesn't last long since I pull away. "We still have quite a bit of an island to explore."

"We keep getting sidetracked don't we?" He smirks, "Maybe we should head back before dark."

"Sounds fair," I say taking into consideration that we still had two days until we leave. We get ourselves back off of the ground and begin our journey back to the house. After walking for a few minutes, there's a faint sound of water running in the distance.

"Do you hear that?" I ask curiously while stopping in my tracks.

"Sounds like a waterfall, care to check it out?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Why not?" I shrug as I let him drag me along. We walk for a little bit until we end up at a clearing with a river running towards the ocean and a gorgeous waterfall coming off of a cliff up ahead. The view is absolutely indescribable.

"You wanna swim?" Harry asks in a pleading manner with puppy dog eyes.

"We don't have swimming suits," I say as though it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"We've been swimming in clothes before," he shrugs. After bantering a little longer I give in. Before I can even begin walking, he breaks off into a run and jumps into the water.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now