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We go straight to my house so I can change. I have a new dress laying on my bed from Harry with black heels. It is a beautiful white dress with black on the sides which makes it slimming. He won't tell me what concert we are going to so I just assume it will be good. I know it won't be One Direction because they aren't doing concerts at the moment. I figure I will just wait and see since his surprises are usually pretty fantastic.

After we get in the car and head on our way, we drive straight to the concert. We get out of the car and Harry puts sunglasses on despite the dark hoping to hide from fans. He grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd. I don't see any posters about who the concert's for so I just wait until we get in to find out. We have decent seats but not the floor which I assume is because Harry doesn't want to attract attention. Once the lights dim, strobe lights begin, and the show starts.


Harry: Tonight was a blast ;)

Victoria: It definitely was!

Harry: So you liked it?

Victoria: Of course I did! They brought you up to sing!

Harry: Least exciting part of the night

Victoria: I beg to differ ;)

Harry: So Twenty-One Pilots wasn't as good as me?

Victoria: Not quite, although I may be a little biased ;)

Harry: Maybe a little

Harry: You should probably head to bed, you have to work tomorrow

Victoria: Alright, you wanna pick me up for work in the morning?

Harry: I can if you'd like

Victoria: Okay, see you then

Harry: Goodnight sweetheart xx

Victoria: Goodnight xx

Turns out Harry decided to take me to see Twenty-One Pilots, who happen to be one of my favorites. He got pointed out and called to the stage to sing a song with them which was adorable. He knew every word which surprised me but I loved it anyways.

After the concert, we went to a nice dinner and then he took me home so I could go to bed. I took a quick shower and later down. I couldn't seem to calm my thoughts. Tonight was my first concert ever and it was definitely a great experience, as expected.

It is 1 in the morning now and Scarlett is already fast asleep in her room. Lucas really is a nice guy and fits well with her. He seems to complete her and she's very happy with him. I hope they stay together because nobody really brought out a great side to her. She usually let them have sex with her and then they broke up. Lucas was definitely different and I can see the way her eyes light up when she sees him.

Comparing them to Harry and I, I think about how happy he makes me. I was always lonely but I had Scarlett which made me content. I wasn't really looking for a relationship, especially fresh out of medical school, but Harry seemed to come at the perfect time. I know that I like him more than any normal relationship. I've never loved anyone in that way so I guess I'm not sure if I really love him.

Do I love him? I want to be around him all the time, I look forward to seeing him, saying goodbye is always hard, he's always there for me. I miss him already and we hung out for 9 hours today and I still wish it would've been more.

In this moment, I know that I love Harry Styles. I am falling hard for this beautifully handsome celebrity who makes me happy. I decide to go to his house. I know it's 1:45 but honestly, I don't quite care at this point. I realize that I love him and that makes me the happiest girl in the world. I change into a hoodie from college and shorts. After pulling my hair into a quick ponytail, I jump into the car.

Since I am going to tell him I love him, I decide I will make it extraordinary. I know usually that it's the guy's job, but I want to be extraordinary for once. I go in and buy a bag of Twix because I know he loves them and then go to the back to print a picture from tonight. I may be going a little overboard but honestly, he does so much for me.

Once I get in the car, I put the picture into the frame I bought and head to his house. I see that all the lights are off in the house so I'm not sure whether to ring the doorbell or not. I decide to knock first, which he answers quickly. As soon as he sees me, his face lights up and he invites me in. I have the frame in the bag with the Twix so he doesn't know.

"Late night cravings?" He looks down at my bag and smirks.

"Maybe," I wink and go to sit down.

"I thought you were going to bed...?"

"Well, I wanted to tell you something." Harry looks at me curiously and sits down beside me.

"And what might that be?"

"I'm not really sure how to say it, so I guess I'll give you what I have first," I nervously smile and grab the bag. He looks at me curiously and gives me a quick squeeze before accepting the bag. First he pulls out the Twix and smiles. I poke his dimple and he turns to pretend to bite me. We both laugh and he kisses my cheek.

"You know me all too well, my love," he beams and hugs me tighter. My heart flutters at his words. I am his and he is mine. Does he love me? Before I can think any further, Harry is opening the bag again. He pulls out the frame and looks at the picture. I don't even have to ask if he likes it, his face shows how happy he is. He quickly sets it on the table next to him by the lamp before turning back to me. He cups his hands on my face and smiles before pulling me in for a kiss. It isn't any normal kiss, it's like the spark we have is now a fire. I don't hesitate to kiss him back, the fire making me want to proclaim my love more than before. He slowly pulls back and whispers, "I love you, Victoria."

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