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After getting back to the hospital, I go to the cafe to grab a couple brownies for Harry and I. I finally get back to the room and Harry pats the spot next to him.

"You don't have to stay tonight," Harry puts his arm around me once I sit down.

"I want to, it's no big deal," I smile and kiss his cheek. "I bought us some brownies!"

"I love brownies!" He yells and jumps up to get them. Once he grabs them, he comes to sit back down and we turn on the TV to see what's on. We decide on a Cupcake Wars episode that is Beauty and the Beast themed. The brownies end up being really good and we finish them quickly. After the episode finishes, Harry goes to change into the shorts and t-shirt I brought for him to sleep in.

"I like it when you dress casual, it makes you look absolutely adorable," I pinch his cheek when he comes in and sits back down.

"You always look adorable," he says before pinching my cheek as well.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize you were hurting," I say looking down.

"Victoria, please. I was hiding it on purpose."

"You were hiding it on purpose?" He takes a deep breath before turning to me.

"I don't want to be sick. I don't want to put that on you. I hate being a burden on you."

I look at him in disbelief, "You think that you're a burden?"

"Yeah, I do," he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Harry, you are anything but a burden! I love you despite any of this," I lean in and hug him.

"Thank you, baby," I feel him smile into my hair and kiss the top of my head.

"Of course." We don't move for a few minutes and just hold each other.

"You still want to meet my family?" Harry breaks the silence and leans back to meet my eyes. I break into a smile and nod. "I was thinking we could leave after you work tomorrow and go see them."

"Wait, you mean go to England?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah, we would go to Cheshire to see them," he chuckles.

"I would love that!" I jump up in excitement and kiss him. We both laugh into the kiss and pull away. "I guess I'm stuck here while you get to go home in the morning."

"That's okay, I can pack your things for you and then we can leave right when you get off."

"Okay," I smile as I lay back on the bed and pull the blanket over my face. I feel the bed move and then feel Harry lay on top of me. "Harry! I can't breathe!"

"Is there somebody under there?" Harry asks and pulls the blanket down, "Oh look at that!"

"You're a dork," I laugh and poke his nose.

"Says the one hiding under a blanket," he winks before leaning down and pecking my lips before getting up and walking to the suitcase. He pulls my t-shirt and leggings out and hands them to me.

"I'm going to assume you are getting tired?" I ask while sitting up.

"It's 11:30," he laughs and puts a hand out to help me up.

"I guess you're right," I groan and walk to the bathroom to change. I quickly change out of my scrubs, pull my clothes on, and put my hair into a French braid. Once I'm back out, Harry eyes me.

"I like it when you're hair is in a braid, it makes you look absolutely adorable," he smirks.

"Get some creativity and quit using my lines," I laugh and climb into bed next to him.

"But your lines are so cute," he kisses my temple and cuddles into me, putting his head on my stomach and his arms around my waist.

"Go to sleep, Harry," I brush my fingers through his hair.

"Have I told you how much I love when you play with my hair?" He asks while looking up at me. I smile and keep playing with it. "I love you, sweet dreams."

"I love you, too. Sweet dreams," I smile and drift off to sleep.


"Flight 31 to Gate 412," the speakers say across the airport. I look over at Harry as he stands up  and helps me up.

"Time to go!" He smiles and grabs his bag. I can't help but feel nervous as I grab my backpack and follow Harry to the plane. I've been to Mexico but never England or Europe in general. Even then, I'm meeting his parents! Harry refused to let me pay for my ticket so I basically have a free trip.

We find our seats and Harry let's me in first to have the window seat. "You excited?" I ask while he puts our bags in the compartment above us.

"Very! I haven't seen my family in so long! Plus the boys want to meet you so we are having lunch with them on Sunday before we leave if that's okay with you...?"

"Definitely!" I smile despite the butterflies that just erupted in my stomach. What if they don't like me? Their approval is definitely s big part of his future with me. Not only his family that I have to be nervous about, but now his best friends.

"Baby, don't be nervous. They'll love you," he puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head before pulling me into him. I smile and let myself relax a little. At least I've got Harry's approval. Since work was quite crazy today, I put my head in Harry's lap to sleep for a while. He looks down at me and smiles before threading his fingers in my hair. I smile and close my eyes, pulling myself into sleep.

"We will be landing in approximately 10 minutes," the speakers say, waking me up.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Harry smile as I sit up.

"I didn't mean to sleep the whole ride," I chuckle and look out the window. I can't really make much out so I turn back to Harry.

"You needed it," he smiles and reaches over to put my seatbelt on for me.

"I could've done that myself, Harold," I smirk and poke his side.

"I'm being a gentleman," he chuckles and pokes me back. I squirm and hit his arm. "Hey! That hurt!"

"Pansy," I say knowing all too well that it didn't even phase him. The landing goes smoothly and we walk hand in hand out to the airport.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now