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"WHAT?! HARRY FREAKING STYLES IS YOUR PATIENT?!" Scarlett yells as she puts her fingers to her temples and then pinches herself to make sure she isn't dreaming.

"Yeah," I say in a small voice as she paces back and forth.

Suddenly she stops, "I have to meet him. We have to go right now! This is insane!" She starts to put her shoes on.

"Woah, hold on. He's a patient and we can't just barge in to the hospital wanting to see the major superstar in the hospital and cause a scene. You'll have to wait." I say while grabbing her shoulders and walking her to the couch to sit down.

"Tomorrow morning you have to take me straight to him. I can't believe you wouldn't tell me before, Victoria!"

"I knew you'd go crazy like you are now," I chuckle and sit down.

"Who wouldn't?! My best friend is Harry Styles' doctor!" She says while laughing.

"Sorry," I laugh and look down while blushing.

"So you said you think you two could like each other?" She asks gently but still urging for more out of me.

"I'm not sure, that's why I wanted to talk to you. You're so much better at this than I am," I chuckle.

"Well that might be debatable now! You got a celebrity to hold your hand and spend a whole day with you! What did you guys do?" She says in one breath as fast as she can.

I explain everything that happened on our day out with Scarlett freaking out the entire time. I can't help but blush every time I think of something that would indicate us being more than friends.

"He totally likes you! My best friend is gonna date my idol! Could you get him to hook me up with Louis?" I put my head in my hands. What kind of monster have I created?

"I'm not going to ask him to do that. He has a lot going on right now. He has Lupus." She gasps.

"Oh no! Is it bad?"

"It's in the early stages so he should be fine, I just don't know how this will all play out when he goes back out into touring and everything," I look down. I realize I'm not sure why I would pursue something that surely can't go anywhere. What am I getting myself into?

Scarlett sees that I'm upset and hugs me, "I'm sure it'll turn out just fine. He's a good guy, from what I know at least." I sigh and let her hug me.

After watching a few movies and eating dinner, we go to bed. I lay there for a while thinking about everything. What am I doing? A celebrity liking me? I feel honored but confused. What should I do? I guess I'll just see what happens. I finally fall asleep after letting my thoughts consume me.


When my alarm goes off, I automatically click the snooze button. I haven't done that since I met Harry but I decide I could use an extra 10 minutes and if Harry likes me then he won't care. I finally decide to get up after 2 snoozes and get ready super quick. I go into the bathroom to see Scarlett in her nicest scrubs and a ton of makeup.

"Please tell me this isn't all for Harry," I say while rolling my eyes and leaning on the doorframe.

"Wow you woke up! Nice to see your beautiful face, too!" She says while refocusing on applying her makeup.

"Leaving now if you want to get to work!" I dangle my keys and start to walk away. She immediately runs out of the room as fast as she can and gets her things together.

The entire ride to work consists of Scarlett belting One Direction, me telling her to calm down, and her freaking out because she is about to meet a celebrity. At this point, I wish I had Harry's number to warn him but I have no way to tell him. We left 30 minutes early just for the sole purpose of seeing him. I can't say I mind but I feel bad.

We eventually pull up to the hospital and I head to the cafe with Scarlett begging me to hurry up. I decide to keep his room number a secret from her so she can't interrogate the poor guy all the time, so I keep my hand over her eyes the whole way to his room. When we finally get there I walk her into the bathroom and close the door so I can warn Harry since he isn't awake yet.

I walk over to his bed and sit down. "Harry," I whisper. He groans and pulls the covers over his head. "You've got company, might want to wake up," I chuckle and go to get Scarlett out of the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh you were serious! It's the real, actual, live Harry Styles! I'm your biggest fan! I am in love with Louis and I seriously can't believe I'm meeting you right now! I might cry!"

"Hello, you must be Victoria's friend," Harry smiles and gets up to talk. He has gym shorts and a white t-shirt on which I think is adorable compared to his usual outfits. I laugh to myself and he looks over at me and smiles. I give him a look and then turn my attention to Scarlett who is clinging to him like a monkey.

"Your accent it amazing! I wish I had an accent! Do we have accents from your perspective? Where are the rest of your band mates? Do they know you are here? Why are you in Oklahoma? Can I visit you-"

"Scarlett! Let the guy go! Jeez," I laugh and he gives me a grateful smile.

"It was really nice to meet you but I've got some plans today so I've got to get ready," Harry says in his still raspy morning voice and a sincere smile.

"Okay, it was nice to meet you! I hope I see you more often!" Scarlett says as I drag her out of the room, again covering her eyes. Once we get to clock in, I let her go and we go straight to see what we are going to do today. Crazy enough Scarlett is paired with Dr. Taylor. I'm told to go straight to Harry's room and I grow suspicious. What could his plans be for today? I guess I will find out soon.

When I get to his room, I see Harry dressed in black skinny jeans, white converse, and a red t-shirt. He immediately looks up and smiles.

"I hope you didn't have plans for this weekend, cause I'm taking you with me on an adventure," Harry winks as he gets up and grabs a suitcase.

"What do you mean we are going on an adventure?" I ask curiously, suspicious of the suitcase and his excitement.

"No questions, we are leaving now and going to your apartment to pack." Harry says as he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room.

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