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"We will be landing in Oklahoma City in ten minutes, please fasten your seat belts." I squint my eyes at the sun shining through the window as it is setting in my face like a magnifying glass on a hot day. I realize my head is on Harry's legs and he is still sleeping with his mouth open. I sit up slowly, making sure I won't wake him up in the process and rub my eyes. I slowly reach across and pull the seatbelt down over him and as I'm halfway there, he kisses my temple softly.

"Hey," he says groggily as I smile at him before buckling his seatbelt.

"Hi," I reach back and buckle my own seatbelt.

"How long have you been awake?" He rubs his eyes and leans his head back.

"Not long, just a little before you," I turn to him and smile sweetly before looking out the window. I quickly feel his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder as he looks out the window with me. I find myself feeling utterly happy and smile to myself. The view is gorgeous as we slide down through the pillow like clouds. Once we break the barrier of clouds, it suddenly becomes a beautiful canvas of millions of shades of green. I turn to Harry and look into his eyes.

"Your eyes are much prettier than any of those greens," I say and he smiles wide before I look back out the window feeling him squeeze me a little tighter. The rest of the plane ride is smooth and we land around midnight in the dimly lit city. We grab our things quickly before going out into the airport. The airport isn't very busy since it's so late so Harry and I don't really try to hide ourselves.

We grab our suitcases and Harry stops and grabs my hand. I look at him questionably as he smirks before I hear his first single Sign of the Times come on. He moves away from our stuff and grabs my waist and hand in a ballroom dance motion as he begins to dance in the middle of the airport. I smile as I dance with him and he sings along softly. We quickly attract attention as he spins me around and dips me dramatically. Despite how vacant the airport was before, we are surrounded by cameras as we dance and he sings. He isn't a great dancer but then again neither am I so we work well together and the stumbling only makes it more exciting. The song eventually comes to an end as I'm dipped and he is smiling down at me and attempting to catch his breath through the applause.

"Not bad," I wink as he rolls his eyes before pressing his lips to mine.

"I could say the same," he practically yells through the clapping and whistling and pulls me up before he pulls me into a bow with him and we smile for the cameras. Once a few cameras flash, we push through the crowd and see an old lady standing by our things protectively.

"Excuse me ma'am, those are ours," I smile kindly as she turns her attention to us.

"Oh! I wasn't sure who's they were so I was waiting to make sure they got back safely!" She says with a smile.

"Thank you so much!" Harry says as he nods to her.

"Of course!" I look down at her clothes and see that she is wearing a dirty dress and worn out shoes.

"Is there anything we can do for you?" I ask before she can walk away.

"Oh no! I'm just going to get my dog and head home," she smiles as a muddy golden retriever runs up to her and she pets him gently.

"You have a car right? Or money for the bus?" Harry asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't live too far, I can walk," she says quickly.

"Please, let us give you a ride," Harry says before leaning down to pet the dog.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" She asks nervously.

"Oh no, of course not! We have plenty of room and we can run by somewhere to grab dinner, too," I say without hesitation with a smile.

"You are so kind!" She smiles as Harry takes her suitcase and pulls it along. Luckily the crowd disappeared after the dance session so we didn't have to worry about cameras bombarding us as we left the airport. The walk to the car is filled with smiles and terrible jokes from Harry. The woman's name is Jeanette and she is quite possibly the sweetest old lady I have ever met. Jeanette and her dog, Sammy, take the back seat as we head to McDonalds to grab something to eat before taking them home. We pull up to a small old house that looks like it may fall in at any moment. Harry offers to let her stay with him tonight but she refuses so he hands her a wad of cash which she eventually takes. I don't know how much it was but it sure was over a few thousand dollars. I smiled at his generosity as he got out and helped her get her things inside. Once he is back in the car, we drive straight back to my house. Harry attempts to make me stay with him but I know that Scarlett is alone and with the amount of texts I have from the weekend, she needs her best friend. We always had a promise to put each other in front of relationships and I wouldn't give up on that now. Harry reluctantly agreed and helped me up to our apartment.

"Have a lovely night, I'll miss you," Harry says once we are in my room with my things.

"I'll miss you, too," I chuckle knowing that Harry will most likely see me in the morning if he decides to pick me up.

"What?" He questions while laughing.

"You'll see me in the morning, unless you want me to drive myself to work."

"It'll still be a long night," he chuckles.

"Alright Harry, I need my best friend. Get out," Scarlett says from the door which causes us both to laugh. Harry gives me a quick kiss before heading out.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now