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After leaving Harry's room, I head to get the results from Albert's tests. Turns out they aren't in. What is taking the nurses so long? I guess I'll get them tomorrow since it's already 6:30.

"Hello again, sweetheart," Albert winks. I get chills down my spine, and not the good kind.

"My name is Dr. Caster. Please don't call me anything else. Your tests aren't in yet so I'll have to get back to you tomorrow," I say in the coldest voice I can manage before turning to leave.

"So I won't see you again today?" He asks smirking.

"No," I glare and go on my way. I can't get Harry off of my mind. He is the most sincere person I've ever met. He's kind, and sweet, and funny. Why can't I despise all my patients? I look down to check my phone seeing that I have 4 messages from Scarlett.

Scarlett: Are you almost done with your patients?

Scarlett: I'm ready to leave.

Scarlett: I swear you forget you have a phone half of the time.


Me: I'm on my way to change now.

I head to get my clothes and change and find Scarlett in the room.

"I don't think you could be any more eager to talk to me," I say as I roll my eyes.

"I'm serious, your sarcasm will ruin me."

"You ready to go?" I question hoping we can go straight home to get some rest.

"Yeah! I heard about this party going on tonight and I told them we could go! Dr. Taylor will be there!"

"Scarlett!" I growl, "Why on Earth didn't you ask me first?!"

"Well you didn't expect to just go home and sleep, did you?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I actually did. I'm so tired." I start rubbing my eyes and realize how tired I really am.

"You're such a bore," she rolls her eyes.

"Well SOMEBODY had to keep me up basically all night so whose fault is this?" I shoot back.

"Fine, home it is." I smile and start to head towards the car. After we clocked out and got back home, I decide to order pizza.

"Scar! What kind of pizza do you want?!" I yell across the apartment.

"Pepperoni!" She yells back. I call our favorite pizza place and order a large pepperoni pizza and some breadsticks. I start browsing through movies and I see the One Direction movie pop up and immediately press play.

"Are you seriously wanting to watch this? Have you finally admitted your love for One Direction?" She jumps on the couch with the biggest smile I've ever seen across her face.

"No. I figured this would make up for the party you missed," I smoothly lie, hoping it's believable. I really just want to learn more about Harry and see if he is just putting up an act.

"You are the best person ever! Thank you so much! I get to see Louis!" I roll my eyes and focus on the TV. He definitely is charming, that's for sure, despite how young he looks in the movie. My mind keeps going back to how he looked at me and told me that my eyes are beautiful. Suddenly the doorbell rings which snaps me out of my thoughts. I get up to answer the door and pay him quickly. I sit down with my pizza as quick as I can and refocus on the movie. Then I feel Scarlett's gaze on me and I turn to look at her.

"What?" I ask, knowing all too well why she is looking at me.

"You totally are interested in this movie!"

"I'm actually not. I'm just eager at sit down and eat quick so I can go to sleep," I shrug.


"Look, I don't need your sass whatsoever," I glare at her.

"If looks could kill, I would most definitely be dead right now." I shake my head and quickly eat my pizza so that I can act uninterested while still giving the movie my full attention.

"We should totally go get ice cream!" Scarlett says in the most childish voice she can muster when the movie ends.

"Scarlett, it's already 9 and I want to get some sleep for tomorrow."

"Pleeeeeeeease!" She begs.

"If we aren't back by 9:30, I will make it my mission to murder you."

"Then let's go!" Scarlett screeches, already running out the door. I grab my wallet and mozie out the door.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask while putting the keys in the ignition.

She sighs and looks down as if she is thinking. "Baskin Robbins?"

"Deal." We drive straight there and get our ice cream. I order chocolate chip cookie dough in a waffle cone and Scarlett orders mint chocolate chip in a cup. After getting the ice cream and paying, we decide not to stay and eat it at home.

"I told you this was a good idea! Ice cream is so good!" Scarlett mumbles with her mouth full.

"Do you have any manners at all?" I ask trying to drive and eat ice cream at the same time.

"No," she replies with her mouth STILL full of ice cream. I roll my eyes and pull in. After getting inside and finishing our ice cream, I jump into the shower. I try to get myself in bed as soon as I can because I know that tomorrow will come faster if I did. As soon as I lay down, I fall asleep right away.


My alarm goes off and I shut it off as quick as I can so that I can get ready for the day sooner than yesterday. I go to make sure Scarlett is up and see that she's still sleeping.

"Scar, get up!" I shake her not caring if she will be mad.

"I don't wanna," she rolls over and puts her head under her pillow.

"I guess you'll be late to work then," I shrug and walk out to finish getting ready. After turning the corner, I hear her groan and get out of bed and I smile at my work. After straightening my hair and deciding to leave it down, I change into my scrubs and put on a little makeup.

"Time to go, Scarlett!" I yell down the hallway.

"Coming, I'll meet you in the car!" She yells back. I go straight to the car and wait until she follows shortly after. We drive straight to work and I head to the cafe for breakfast deciding to have a bagel with cream cheese and a bottle of water. After that, we go straight to clock in and see what Grace will assign us to today.

"Scarlett, I want you to go shadow Dr. Taylor." Scarlett automatically locks eyes with me and I can just see the excitement in her eyes as she goes straight to find him.

I get less fortunate and just get out in my regular schedule. I don't mind though because my patients will need me.

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