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We go straight to the car to drive to my apartment and he won't answer any of my questions. I decide he will have to give in if I keep asking, but I am wrong. He starts to ignore me and turns the radio up all the way so I will quit asking. Once we get to the apartment, I ask him how long we will be there and what the weather will be like so I can properly pack and all I get is: "Until Sunday, it'll be warm."

Now we are on a plane and I have no idea where it is heading. I'm laying on Harry's shoulder and listening to music, trying to get some rest before our exciting trip that was planned. When I am about to drift off, my headphone is pulled from my ear.

"We are almost here," Harry whispers. I look up to see his sleepy green eyes and a lopsided grin on his face.

"Did you just wake up?" I ask sleepily.

"Yeah, did I wake you up?" His voice is groggy and deep. I always thought tired voices were attractive but this was a new level.

"I wasn't fully asleep yet," I chuckle and look out the window which is easy since I have the window seat. I gasp as I see we are landing on an island. We are in a private plane, considering Harry has everyone he knows wrapped around his finger. He has to be the sweetest, most convincing guy I've ever met.

"So, what do you think?" He grabs my hand and squeezes. I look over to see his dimples on full show and a bright smile on his face.

"It's beautiful," I smile and turn back to the view. I can't believe he took me to an island! I'm not sure what all I was expecting but it is gorgeous.

Since the sun is setting, there's a beautiful sunset over the water. I am one lucky girl. Why he invited his doctor? I'm not sure. I guess he doesn't have a lot of people who he wants to tell about everything. And he probably wants to get away from his problems for a while. He is already started on medication for his condition and he is free to leave the hospital but he decided to stay which I don't quite understand.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry inquires, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I guess I'm just trying to figure out why you decided to stay at the hospital instead of go home."

"That's a question for another day. As for today, let's go explore!" His eyes seem like they twinkle with a child-like excitement. I roll my eyes as he pulls me off the plane since we are free to get off. I am giddier than usual, I've never been anywhere exotic before. I wonder what he has in store for our weekend.

We start to walk towards the house slowly considering we have to carry our belongings. The plane takes off when we start to walk so we are now trapped. I don't feel trapped though, it's a pretty big island. When we get to a place where we can see the house, I immediately gasp.

"That is where we are staying?" I ask in bewilderment. I look out to see a little house that is above the water in the cove. There's a boat at the edge of the water to get us to the house. Harry looks over at me and smiles, setting his stuff in the boat and grabbing mine.

After I am done gaping, he helps me into the boat and we head to the house. It isn't an extravagantly large house or anything and I'm grateful. It is a cute little house that looks like the perfect size for two people. It only takes a few minutes to get over to it and we immediately go in when we get there. It is getting dark so I figure we probably won't go out to sightsee tonight.

Once we are inside, Harry grabs my hand and walks me around to check it out. There are two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. It's pretty spacious and open on the inside and has lots of room. There are windows in every room that show off the view around us. I decide to take the room with more closet space which happens to be a smaller room. I don't mind though since we won't be lounging around in our rooms much.

We both go to our own rooms to unpack. I turn music on and begin to hang up my clothes and fill the dresser. I really didn't bring much but I figure it will be nicer to get stuff from the closet and dresser rather than from my suitcase. After about 10 minutes, I'm hanging up my last shirt when someone starts tickling me.

"Harry!" I squeal and try to get away which seems impossible. He is a lot stronger than I intentionally thought so I am failing miserably. "Let me go!"

"No can do, it's too fun!" Harry laughs from behind me. I attempt to run again and manage to squeeze out of his grip, running towards the kitchen. Since I am pretty quick, I use the time to grab a wooden spoon that is in the first drawer I open. When he gets into the kitchen I am holding up the spoon in self-defense.

"Don't come any closer," I manage to get out without laughing. He immediately bursts into a hysterical fit of laughter and I shake my head and smile. I would have to deal with him all weekend. I guess it won't be too bad.

I hear my stomach growl and realize I haven't had dinner yet. The plane ride was pretty long so we had lunch on there but didn't eat dinner. I turn to the fridge, hoping there will be something inside. When I open it, I see that it has quite a selection. What else would I expect? I am with a celebrity, nobody would want him to starve. After seeing what all is there, I walk to the pantry which is also full. I turn to ask Harry what he wants to eat but he is nowhere to be seen.

"Harry?" I ask while walking back towards the bedrooms. I go into his room and don't see him anywhere so I venture to the bathroom. The door is open and the light is off so I head to my bedroom. The door is cracked and I push it open to reveal Harry lurking through my closet. "What on earth are you doing in my closet?"

He jumps and turns, obviously not expecting me to find him. He runs his fingers through his hair and laughs. "I was trying to see if you brought a swimming suit, I was hoping we could go out after we ate something."

I walk to my dresser and pull my swimming suit out, showing him that I have one. "Awesome! I'll go change so we can go," he says as he starts walking.

"Hold on, we have to eat dinner first. There's no way I'm swimming on an empty stomach." I say while putting my arm out to stop him from leaving.

"We could have a cooking competition!" He decides and runs towards the kitchen. I shake my head and follow. This weekend could be the most disastrous or amazing weekend of my life. I guess I will find out soon.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now