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"This isn't the one," Scarlett murmurs as she looks at the pink wedding dress in the mirror. We weren't able to convince her out of the wedding but we talked it out and she was willing to wait 3 months instead of 2. Now we have a week before the wedding and Scarlett is trying on dresses because she wanted to wait. I definitely don't think it was a smart choice to wait until a week before but they said that her alterations could be done before the wedding and Scarlett was immediately convinced. Tomorrow is Harry's birthday and two days after that is our 4 month anniversary that we probably aren't doing anything for since he most likely forgot. This week will definitely be crazy with so much going on. It's February tomorrow so her wedding may or may not have snow which is exciting!

"What do you think about this one?" Scarlett breaks into my thoughts as she steps out in a gorgeous mermaid style white dress.

"I love that on you! I'm not sure if it's my favorite but it's really pretty!" I smile and give a thumbs up. Her mom is here but she is in the bathroom so we decide to wait to show her. Amber and Tiffany were going to come but ended up having to cancel last minute because of the bad weather. Scarlett's mom has been like an aunt to me since day one and to see her again was amazing!

"Victoria, so you really think it's okay to get married this early?" Scarlett asks quietly and looks down.

"You know where I stand in all of this," I answer while looking over at her. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong! He's perfect, which is why I'm worried," she looks up at me sadly.

"He's a great guy, I'm sure things will work out. Even if they don't, I'm still here for you," I smile as she leans in and I hug her reassuringly.

"Oh my! That dress is beautiful!" Scarlett's mom, Mary, walks in and covers her mouth as Scarlett stands up.

"Thank you!" Scarlett smiles and walks back up to look in the mirror. "Alright one more dress!"

She changes quickly and walks back out in a long-sleeved lace top dress. Mary bursts into tears and I tear up at the sight of my best friend. She looks absolutely gorgeous in the princess-like dress and she is tearing up at the sight of it as well.

"This is it, this is the one," Scarlett quickly wipes a tear away as the lady helping us puts a veil over her low bun. She turns to us again and Mary nods frantically before getting up to hug her daughter. I quickly follow suit and stand to hug her as well. After admiring the dress for a while, Mary turns to me.

"You still okay with your maid of honor dress and the bridesmaid dresses?"

"Definitely! They're beautiful!" I smile as I think about the dresses. They are all a light blue color and mine is a different style than the rest. Mine is a long flowy dress with off the shoulder straps and beautiful beading across the top while the others are the same without the beading and have straps on the shoulder instead. Lucas is wearing a black tux with a black bow tie while the rest of the guys are wearing black tuxes with light blue ties to match our dresses. We quickly give the dress and alteration choices to them and then head out for dinner. Amber, Tiffany, and Mom come to meet us since the weather has been contained a little. We are all dressed quite nicely so we go to a fancy restaurant.

"That dress is absolutely gorgeous!" My mom takes the phone and looks at the picture.

"I know! She is stunning!" Mary agrees as the phone continues to go around the table. Scarlett is beaming and everyone seems really happy. Not everyone agrees that it's the smartest decision which causes some tension but we try to stay positive for Scarlett. We all joke and laugh together just like old times. Once we were done eating, we all went to get dessert and then back to Scarlett and I'd apartment.

"We need to have makeovers!" Amber yells when we get home which results in us all shushing and chuckling but agreeing anyways. Amber does Scarlett's, Mary does Mom's, and I do Tiffany's and then we switch. This ends up basically being our bridesmaid party since we are all here anyways. When we are done, we take a picture all together and then sit down to watch a movie together despite how late it is. We end up watching A Walk to Remember and eating popcorn. I quickly check my phone and see a few texts from Harry.

Harry: I hope you're having a great time!

Harry: I'm planning on picking you up around 1 tomorrow... Got any plans?

Harry: I'm taking that as a no, 1 it is! xx

I chuckle to myself before replying.

Me: 1 is great, see you then xx

The movie ends in us all crying which is to be expected since it's so late at night. We say our goodbyes and they're off to leave Scarlett and I in peace.

"So other people's thoughts aside, what did you think of the dress?" Scarlett asks as she walks into my room after we both have changed into our pajamas.

"I really love it, Scar!" I smile as I sit up from my laying position on the bed.

"Really? Truly?"

"Of course!" I say as she sits down next to me.

"My nerves are just running rampant, I'm so scared something will go wrong and the wedding will be a disaster." She puts her fav in her hands.

"We will make sure everything goes perfect, okay? I promise," I say as I rub her back.

"Okay, thanks Victoria," she looks up and smiles before hugging me.

"Anytime," I hug her back as she gets up to leave.

"Have fun tomorrow!" She turns back before leaving and winks. She closes the door and I lay down and let myself drift off to prepare myself for tomorrow.

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