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"Harry!" A woman with brown hair who I assumed to be his mom, Anne, hugged him.

"Hey, Harry!" Gemma said while taking the next hug. I knew it was her because of how he described her to me. They were super close.

"Where's Robin?" Harry asked once they were finished clinging to him.

"He is still at work," Anne answered.

"Ahh, well this is Victoria," Harry smiled at me.

"I've been so excited to meet you!" Anne says while pulling me in for a hug.

"You, too!" I smile while embracing her warm and inviting hug.

"You're just as pretty as Harry said, if not more," Gemma smiles and gives me a hug as well.

"Thank you," I blush once she lets go.

"I'm Anne, Harry's mom, and this is Gemma, his sister."

"I'm so glad I finally get to meet you guys!" I smile brightly. I'm glad they're so inviting, it calms my nerves like crazy.

"Any exciting plans for tonight?" Harry asks while putting his hand in mine.

"I have dinner ready at home if that's alright," Anne smiles sweetly. She's very pretty and I see where Harry and Gemma got their looks from.

"Sounds good to me!" Harry shrugs before looking down at me for a response.

"Definitely," I smile at Anne.

"Great! Let's grab your bags and get out of here then." We all head to grab the suitcases while trying to keep Harry from being spotted.

Our efforts work great until one person sees him and screams, "Harry Styles and Victoria Caster!" At that point, Harry looks at us sympathetically and pulls me to the girl. We get a picture with her and sign her t-shirt. Luckily, nobody else paid attention to it and left us alone. We quickly leave the airport, laughing the whole way. The ride consists of Anne sharing funny baby stories about Harry and Gemma, Harry and I explaining how we met and what our adventures have been, and finally Harry turning on One Direction as we all belt out the lyrics. I look out the windows and see steep rolling hills, tall luscious trees, beautifully clear lakes and rivers, every color of flower you can imagine, and the prettiest blue sky I've ever seen. I would definitely live here if I had the chance. We finally get to their house and Gemma takes me up to the guest bedroom that I'll be staying in. The room has purple walls with a white border covered in purple flowers bordering the ceiling. The carpet is white and soft. The bed has a silky white comforter, plush purple and white decorative pillows, and an extra purple blanket folded at the end. There is a window on the side of the room and a tall white dresser with purple flower designs. The closet is small but enough for the clothes I brought and the room smells like vanilla.

"Do you like it?" Gemma asks while leaning on the doorframe like Harry does.

"I love it!" I smile and spin in a circle before falling onto the bed. It feels like I fell into a cloud of feathers.

Gemma come and sits next to me, "So you really like my brother, huh?" She asks with a chuckle.

"I really do," I smile and look down.

"I can tell he really cares about you. He has never, and I mean NEVER brought anybody home to stay with us before," she says while turning to look at me.

"Really?" I ask and furrow my eyebrows.

"I know it may be surprising, but he's really not been in many serious relationships. People make a lot of girls he is friends with as girlfriends and don't give him the chance to say they aren't. They media really is quite obnoxious," she says while looking out the window.

"Wow, he's never really talked about past relationships. I never really thought to ask honestly," I say while looking up at her.

"Well let me say, you're definitely a girl that I like Harry with. He seems really happy and he is himself with you."

I blush and smile, "Thank you."

"Let's unpack so we can get to dinner," she gets up and opens the suitcase. We unpack fairly quick and joke around. I could see myself becoming really good friends with Gemma, her and I are a lot alike and have quite a bit in common. Once we are done, we head downstairs and see Anne and Harry getting everything onto the table. I love how helpful Harry is. He's sweet to his family and is always such a gentleman.

"You ready to eat?" Anne asks once she sees us coming down the stairs.

"Ready!" Gemma says while heading to the table.

"Robin will be here a little later and he had dinner at work," Harry says while sitting down. I nod and take the seat next to his. They made a delicious looking pasta. It has Alfredo sauce and shrimp on top which looks amazing. I immediately reach for my fork and look up to see that everyone was already taking bites. I twist my fork into the gooey pasta and take a big bite along with a piece of shrimp. It's mouth-watering and quite possibly the best pasta I have ever tasted.

"This is amazing, Anne!" I say once I've swallowed my first bite.

"Thank you! I've heard you can cook quite the omelette!" She smiles and takes a bite.

"I guess that depends on your point of view," I chuckle.

"I would love to try one," Gemma adds from across the table.

"Yeah, you should make some in the morning!" Harry says entirely too enthusiastically for the topic.

I start to laugh and Anne answers Harry, "She is our guest!"

"Oh no! I don't mind, really!" I say quickly.

"See? No big deal!" Harry smiles and kisses my cheek. I find myself rolling my eyes and laughing to myself.

"How was the plane ride?" Gemma asks after we have all take a few bites.

"I'll have to answer that since somebody decided to sleep the whole way," Harry says sarcastically.

"Says the one who doesn't work every day," I roll my eyes which earns a laugh from Anne and Gemma. The rest of dinner goes smoothly with casual conversation. I could definitely see myself visiting more often.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now