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When I get to the kitchen, Harry is already pulling things from the counters. He turns around and smirks.

"You've got entree, I'll make the dessert." He wiggles his eyebrows and grabs the sugar as he turns back around. I can't help but laugh as I go to the fridge to start my project.

Just when I think he's busy cooking, he dumps sugar on my head. I slowly turn around, determined to get revenge and dump out the soup that is in the can I am holding onto his head. He opens his mouth wide in disbelief. I figure backing away is the best plan so that's what I do. He starts to chase me and I know I will get covered in soup if I don't get away fast enough so I pick the best solution; the ocean. I go straight out the front door and jump into the water before he can reach me. Once I reached the surface again, I see Harry jumping in right next to me and I cover my head as protection. He creates a massive splash and I immediately start to swim away but he grabs my foot from underwater, pulling me backwards.

"Let go!" I scream while laughing. He turns me around and splashes me. I immediately respond and splash him right back. I like this playful version of Harry, whether or not he lost a good amount of sugar and soup. After playfully splashing a few more times, we decided to go back inside to finish cooking. I make him swear he won't do anything else so that we could eat before midnight. We both decide that if we are going to swim later, then we will go ahead and leave what we have on and just dry off a little bit.

Since I lost a can of soup, I decide that instead of grilled cheese and tomato soup I will make omelettes because they can be cooked fairly quick. I try to figure out what Harry is making but he won't tell me or let me see so I decide to keep mine a surprise as well. We both have our backs turned to each other so that we can keep it a surprise but I'm beginning to grow curious of what he is making. I quietly make my way over to peek but he sees me and quickly hides whatever it is.

"It's a surprise!" He yells while trying to hide it behind his body.

"Do you even know how to bake?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"I worked in a bakery before One Direction, so yes. Now go back to making dinner so I can finish my masterpiece!" He points while trying not to laugh. I can't help but notice the hidden smile behind his facade but I decide I will go back before the eggs burn.

Eventually we finish and sit down. I put the omelette in front of him and wait for his reaction. At first he just looks at it and I can't decipher what he is thinking. He finally looks up at me and gives me a serious look.

"Just out of curiosity, how did you know exactly what I usually have on my omelettes?" He smiles before picking up his fork to eat.

"I just put what I usually put on mine," I laugh at his reaction.

"I kind of thought you may have been a secretly crazed fan that somehow discovered my favorite breakfast food with everything I love on it," he winks and takes a bite. I study his expression and immediately smile when he puts a thumbs up. "These are better than my mom's, and that's hard to beat." I blush and look down. I start to eat mine as well and I'm so glad I finally got something to eat.

"When do I get to know what you made?" I ask curiously.

He smiles and gets up, walking to the oven to take it out. "Don't look!" He says while trying to get it out without burning himself. I try not to laugh but I am totally unsuccessful. I don't look though as I keep my head in my hands. I hear him set it down on the counter and walk back to sit down. I look back up and see that he is eating again with the dessert covered up on the counter.

We finish eating without much talking. When he is done, he takes my plate and walks into the kitchen. I assume he is getting the dessert as I wait patiently. I don't look, hoping I can keep it a surprise until he gets over to the table.

"Ta-da!" He says while holding a plate of cherry pie in front of me topped with vanilla ice cream. I take the plate and look up at him with a smile.

"How did you know cherry pie is my favorite dessert? Are you some crazed fan of my expert doctor skills?" I wink.

"Hey, don't use my words against me!" He looks offended until he breaks into a laugh. I shake my head and begin to eat. The pie is absolutely delicious and I am glad he knows what he's doing.

Once we finish our dessert, we part ways to go change into our swimming suits although we already had gone swimming once. I walk out onto the porch and see that Harry is nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden, I am shoved into the water from behind. As soon as I resurface, I yell at Harry who is in a fit of laughter on the porch. "Why on earth would you do such an awful thing?" I say while swimming back to the porch.

"What can I say? I'm cruel," he smirks once he contains his laughter. I climb up on the porch and sit down on the edge, holding the rail so I can't be pushed in again. The sky is gorgeous, there are stars shining brighter than I have ever seen and the lights under the porch provide light enough to see to the bottom of the ocean under us.

I feel Harry sit down next to me and I look over to see him looking at the sky. He really is quite handsome. I guess a lot of girls would see me as the luckiest girl in the world. Falling for a celebrity while on an island with him. I really do like him, but I know there is no way he could like me.

"Are you enjoying the view?" I realize I have been staring at him and I see him smirk without looking towards me. I immediately blush and look down. "You're beautiful, you know that?" He says while turning his attention to me and pushing my still damp hair out of my face.

"I've never really been told that," I admit while looking up to make eye contact. His piercing green eyes suddenly soften as he looks at me.

"I don't know why, you are absolutely gorgeous," he smiles showing his dimples.

I blush, "Thank you." He just continues to study me, as if he is trying to read my thoughts. His eyes never leave mine and mine never leave his.

"Can I kiss you?" He suddenly asks breaking the silence. I nod before letting the words process fully. He smiles and leans in, kissing me before I can let my mind decipher what is happening. He doesn't let it linger long, but it is definitely still just as magical as I had imagined. When he pulls away, we both just look at each other. Before I can say anything, he grabs me and pulls me into the water.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now