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"Good morning, Victoria," Harry smiles as I walk into his room once I've gone through the rest of my patients.

"Good morning, Mr. Styles. How are you feeling?" I ask trying to contain my excitement.

"A lot better now that you're here," he winks and I blush.

"Well I guess you're my last patient for the day. They think it will help if you have somebody to talk to."

He smiles so that his dimples show, "I guess that could help, so you're here the rest of the kday?"

"Until I get off of work, yes." I give a quick smile before turning around to get the chair.

"So, let's avoid talking about Lupus for today. I want to do something, is there any way we could get out of the hospital?"

"I'll see what I can do," I smirk as I turn and walk out of the room. I hear him chuckle and I smile to myself. I go straight to Grace to get approval. I know she will say yes because he is a superstar. She is a sucker for cute boys as well. She immediately agrees and I go straight back to his room to tell him to get ready to go.

After I tell him, he lights up and smiles the cutest smile. I swear, his dimples and beautiful green eyes will be the death of me. I immediately turn back out of the room to go change for my day out so I won't have to wear scrubs all over the city. I put on my blue and red plaid shirt, dark jeans, and black boot heels. I brush my hair and pin the front back so it won't be in my face and touch up my makeup. Today could quite possibly be the best day of my life.

I can't contain my excitement as I smile and wave to everyone through the hallways. Scarlett catches my eye on my way and I see her totally head over heels with Dr. Taylor. Looks like it might be a good day for both of us. I really want to tell Scarlett about how great my day will be but I don't want her to know about Harry just yet. I make it back to the room and see that Harry has on a black button up shirt, black skinny jeans, black boots, and of course his many rings.

He looks me up and down and smiles, "You look pretty."

"Thank you," I blush as he stands up.

"Well off we go! I'm gonna let you take me wherever you want, all your favorite places."

"Really?" I smile.

"You know America much better than I do," he winks and motions for me to lead the way. I lead him out and I can't even begin to tell you how many looks we get as we pass through the hallways. Luckily nobody comes up to us to ask for pictures or autographs but I know I will probably get a fair share of that today.

"Do you have an aux-cord?" Harry asks once we get in the car. I can already tell that we will be listening to One Direction all day.

"Sadly," I answer with a sigh, handing him the cord. He laughs and plugs his phone in, turning it on shuffle. Turns out all the music is One Direction. What a surprise. I roll my eyes when Ready to Run is the first song to come on. He automatically starts singing as loud as he can. He's actually a really good singer so I don't mind as I head off to the Gilcrease Museum. It was my favorite place to go get inspiration for writing when I was younger. I loved writing songs and singing them to my family and Scarlett. It was the first place I thought of when we gave me the reigns on our day.

"Where are we headed?" Harry asks once the song ends.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I smirk and look over at him.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" He yells and points forward. I just laugh and look back at the road. It doesn't take very long to get to the museum and when we do, Harry looks beyond excited. "I love museums! I used to go to them all the time when I was younger!"

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