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My mind is completely wild. Harry is asleep next to me on the couch, his arms surrounding me and his hair falling in his face. I gently move the hair from his eyes and peck his nose. I came here to tell him I love him and he told me first. I mean how crazy is that?! I decide to take off work tomorrow because I haven't missed a day since the vacation and I need the sleep.

Laying here, I find myself thinking about my parents. I call them at least twice a week but I haven't gone to see them in a few months. I have two siblings, an older brother and a little sister. My brother lives with his wife, Tiffany, in Tulsa. My sister is 16 so she still lives with my parents who also live in Tulsa. Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm calling Josh.

"Hey sis, what's up?" I hear my brothers voice as he picks up.

"I think we should do something for mom's birthday tomorrow," I whisper while trying to get up from where I was laying. Harry rolls over and groans before falling back asleep. I walk to the bedroom and sit down.

"I almost forgot! Tiffany keeps reminding me but I always forget," he chuckles before I hear Tiffany in the background asking who it is. After he tells her I hear her grab the phone.

"Victoria! Oh my goodness how are you?!" I smile even though she can't see me. I love Tiffany, she is the sweetest girlfriend Josh has ever had. He hasn't had very many that I've met, but she is definitely the best. They got married last year and I was the maid of honor. Tiffany and I are super close, she's probably my second best friend under Scarlett.

"I'm doing great! How are you?" I ask sweetly.

"Amazing! So your mom's birthday is tomorrow and I've asked Josh to call you so many times but he always forgets!"

"That's why I called, I took off work so we could all get together. I was thinking if you guys got the cake, Harry and I could grab some snacks."

"That sounds good! I think we have all been looking forward to meeting him!" I hear her excitement through the phone. Since I'm facing the window away from the door, I don't hear it open and I suddenly feel Harry's hands around my waist as he pulls me back to sit between his legs.

"I think he wants to meet you guys, too." Harry looks at me funny and mouths, "Who are you talking to?"

I ignore him as he nuzzles his head in my neck, "Does noon work for you guys?"

"Of course! See you then!"

"Bye!" I hang up the phone and lean back in Harry.

"Who was that?" He asks quietly with his head still nuzzled in my neck.

"Josh and Tiffany. Tomorrow is my mom's birthday and if you want to go, I'm gonna go see my whole family to surprise her," I look back to see his expression and he has a dazzling smile across his face.

"I would love to meet them," he kisses my cheek and smiles again.

"Then we are leaving here around 10 so we can grab some snacks," I smile while standing up to go to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" He asks with a worried expression.

"Bathroom!" I call from down the hall.


"Hey baby," Harry pushes my hair from my face and kisses my cheek.

"Good morning," I smile at the pet name that makes my heart flutter. It's 9:00 so I decide I should probably get ready to go for the day. Harry dresses in dark blue jeans, black boots, and a black button up shirt. I guess you could say he looks super attractive as usual. I get dressed in a flowy red shirt, black leggings, and black flats. I rarely get to wear clothes I like to wear and I don't have much but dressy things at Harry's house.

At 10:03, we head to the store. We ended up with a tray of cheese and crackers, pre-made sandwiches, and chips. Harry has been smiling all day, he seems really excited to meet everyone. I know they won't think of him as some celebrity, which I've told him. He's kept his hand on my thigh the whole drive which took longer than I remembered. I can tell he's nervous, excited but nervous. He has always been pretty easy to read, I know he is pretending to be excited but I know he's nervous.

"You don't need to be nervous, they'll love you!" I look over at him. He takes his eyes off the road to look at me and smiles before looking again.

"I know, I just don't want to ruin this. I love you, Victoria," he smiles.

Butterflies erupted in me when he said that. I guess it would take some getting used to. "I love you too, Harry."

Within the next few minutes, we were pulling into the driveway. Josh and Tiffany were already here but they hadn't left the car. After Harry turns the car off, he looks at me.

"You ready for this?" I ask softly.

"Ready as I'll ever be," he smiles and gives me a quick kiss before getting out of the car.

"Victoria!" Tiffany yells as she leaves her car and runs over to hug me. I embrace her before running over to give Josh a hug.

"Hey, sis," he says while hugging me. I turn around to see Harry standing awkwardly behind me.

"This is Harry," I smile as I grab his hand, giving it a quick squeeze. He looks down at me and smiles.

"Nice to meet you," Josh holds out his hand and Harry shakes it.

"I'm Tiffany, this is Josh," Tiffany smiles while clinging to Josh's side.

"It's nice to meet you both," Harry smiles sweetly.

"Alright, let's head inside, I think mom might need a little family bonding," I laugh before turning to help with the bags.

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