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"Board games."

I burst into a fit of laughter, "Board games?" I say between breaths.

"What's so funny about board games?" He asks with wide eyes and his hands up.

"Nothing, it's just funny that board games was your grand idea. I love board games," I reply while trying to compose myself. He smiles and gets up, heading towards the shelf across the room. I look up and see there are about 13 different board games.

"We need to play Life! It's my favorite board game!" I say while grabbing it from him and sitting down to set it up. He just shakes his head and laughs as he helps me set it up.

I take the college path since they get paid higher. Harry argues that it's the same after paying back all of your student loans but I know that's not the case. After a long and grueling game of Life, I win and let's just say that Harry is a sore loser. It's time for lunch so I end up taking Harry with me to go eat lunch, praying Scarlett won't be there.

When we get to the cafeteria, I immediately see Scarlett sitting with Dr. Taylor. She is far too caught up to notice but I don't think it will last long so I suggest that we eat in his room and he agrees since he wants to go play more games. We get out without much commotion, of course we had a few girls ask for his autograph but that is something I'm starting to get used to.

"Sorry," Harry mumbles when we get back.

What could he be sorry for? Did he do something? It isn't his fault that girls like him. It's pretty obvious why.

"We should play Sorry," he laughs noticing my confused expression.

"Wow. That makes sense," I put my head in my hands in embarrassment. We get back to the game and he wins. After he does a victory dance around the room, we decide we will watch a movie and relax for a little while. He picks Up, a movie I happen to love. I end up laying next to him on the bed and falling asleep toward the middle of the movie.

All I see is black. Where am I? All of the sudden a small light started coming towards me. I started to run in the opposite direction, trying to avoid whatever could be coming towards me. Soon the light was right behind me and I fell to the ground screaming, hoping it would go away. When I opened my eyes, I was in a field of sunflowers. I couldn't see beyond the field. I decided to look around and see what else was around. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to find Scarlett.

"I know Harry is your patient. Of course you are selfish and have to keep it to yourself. I wouldn't try to take him. I know how you feel about him." I broke down.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know how to tell you!"

"I don't want excuses," she pushed me and I fell down a hill that wasn't there a few seconds ago. I sat up to see her with an engagement ring, kissing Harry. I felt a pang of jealousy. I couldn't like Harry, he's a celebrity. I found myself running up the hill to stop the wedding that was about to take place. The hill kept getting steeper and they kept getting further away.

"Victoria!" I heard a voice in the distance.

"Victoria," the voice softened as I started to wake up.

"Hey," Harry whispers while brushing the hair out of my face.

"Hi," I smile and look up into his eyes.

"Were you having a bad dream? You were squirming quite a bit before I woke you up." He looks genuinely concerned for me.

"Yeah, but it's over. No worries." I look away, getting off of the bed and heading to the bathroom. Harry looks down at his phone, knowing I'm heading to the bathroom. After I get in there I begin thinking.

What could my dream mean? Would Scarlett be mad at me if I kept it to myself any longer? I told her everything. If she asked whether I liked him, would I say yes? Do I like him? Of course I do, I can't keep fooling myself. He is my favorite person to be around. He's everything I could want but the real question is; Does he feel the same about me? I mean he is a celebrity. What kind of celebrity would go for a 27 year-old doctor like me?

"You alive?" I hear Harry call through the door. I check my watch, realizing I have been in here for 10 minutes.

"Yep, be right there." I compose myself and decide I will talk to Scarlett about it tonight. She is much better with these things.

"I didn't know if you would come out alive!" Harry exclaims with wide eyes.

"Your sarcasm is almost as bad as mine," I roll my eyes and go to sit back down. "Sorry for falling asleep on you."

"Oh don't worry, I didn't mind. I mean who would mind a beautiful girl falling asleep and cuddling unconsciously?" He winks and my jaw drops. I cuddled with him? What was I thinking? Laying in the same bed?

"Kidding!" He says enthusiastically with a kid-like look while poking my side.

"Why would you say that?!" I say furiously.

"To get that reaction," he shrugs like it's obvious, "You're cute when you blush." He winks and gets up to grab another game. He is seriously messing with my brain, he seems like he might like me but he's HARRY STYLES for goodness sake. He can't like me. I decide to think about the game for a while instead of my crazy hormonal thoughts.

We end up playing Yahtzee, Phase 10, and Operation before 7 rolls around. He beats me in Yahtzee but I win Phase 10 while he is still on Phase 4. I definitely feel proud and he pouts in the cutest way possible. He begs me to stay later tonight but I know I need to get home with Scarlett tonight to tell her everything. I sadly decline and he looks upset. I tell him I will see him tomorrow and head out.

"You ready to go," I ask when I spot Scarlett grabbing her things.


"No date tonight?" I inquire.

"He's got family stuff," she says with an irritated face.

"But he wants to take me out tomorrow!" She adds enthusiastically.

"That's great!" I say with a smile as we leave. After we get in the car, we drive through Sonic and then go home. Once we get there and sit down, I break the news.

"So, you remember how I was out all day yesterday?" I ask without looking up.

"Yeah, what was that about?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well, I have a pretty great patient. I think we may have a connection... We went all over Tulsa and held hands the whole day. We definitely had flirting going on. I think I like him." I blush and take a bite of my mozzarella stick.

"Oooo! You never get involved with guys! He must be special!" She says excitedly with lots of hope in her eyes.

"He is," I smile and think back on our day yesterday.

"Is he cute? What's his name?" Scarlett basically jumps out of her seat awaiting my answer.

"Well.... it's actually someone you know of." She looks completely puzzled.

"Okay? Well, what is his name?"

"Harry Styles."

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