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"C'mon, you can do it," Harry urged me as I stand at the edge of a cliff by the waterfall. I'm not afraid of heights or anything like that, I just don't know how deep the water is or whether I have a chance of dying.

"Can't you go first?" I ask while turning to look at him.

"I already jumped, Victoria. You've seen me jump twice, it's safe," he chuckles. I look over the edge again and my heart races. It's a good 50 foot jump and I am freaked out.

"Why don't you jump with me?" I ask curiously.

He looks at me like I just said the craziest thing he has ever heard, "Because then I would have to jump again!"

I laugh and shake my head, "Weren't you going to do that anyways?"

"Maybe," he shrugs trying to hide his smile and failing terribly. "If you jump with me this time, then you have to go by yourself after that at least once."

"Deal." He grabs my hand and looks at me excitedly.

"In case we die..." Harry leans in and gives me a quick kiss before counting down, "3...2...1...Go!" We jump and the fall feels as if it goes on forever. Then we finally hit the water. I come up and look around to find Harry.

"Harry!" I yell while continuing to search around me until I feel him tickle me from behind. I immediately turn around and push him away. "You scared me, Styles!"

He laughs and pushes his hair out of his face. "I'm still here," he announces spreading his arms out. I laugh and swim towards him, taking a hug while his arms are wide. He returns the hug and then smiles down at me. "Now to go on your own," he wiggles his eyebrows and winks. I groan and start swimming away.

I walk up the hill, leaving Harry at the bottom. I am trying to not think about what I am about to do and instead think about Harry. I honestly don't know what we are right now. We are like that weird in between stage between liking each other and dating, and who knows if we will date. I hope he will ask me soon, although I know he has a lot on his mind right now. The poor guy has to balance his normal life, his celebrity life, and now Lupus which he is refusing to admit at the moment. I can't say I blame him because I wouldn't want to admit having a disease either.

I finally make it to the top of the cliff and look down. Harry is down river a little so I won't land on him. I hear him yell but I can't make out what he said. I decide I'm not getting out of this so without a lot of thinking, I just jump.

Time goes slower this time if that's possible. It feels like I was in the air for an enormous amount of time. I eventually land in the water and open my eyes to see my surroundings. I can't make out much but it is a beautiful greenish-blue color. I swim around a little since I have a bit of breath left. I see a few colorful fish and then go up to the surface. I realize I was swimming in the opposite way of Harry and laugh to myself. He is looking around for me and I decide it's my turn to scare him. I swim slowly, making sure the water doesn't make too much noise as I swim to him. He is still facing the other way and yelling my name when I get right behind him. The water is shallow enough to stand so I jump up onto his back and latch on.

"Victoria," he yells while laughing and grabbing my legs. He tries to pull me off without much luck until he eventually decides to tickle me. I immediately let go and fall into the water.

"Harry Edward Styles!" I splash when I get back on my feet. He smirks as he picks me up bridal style and starts to walk to the shore where our shoes are sitting.

"It's probably about dinner time," he looks down at me. "I've got a special dinner planned."

"Oh you do?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm," he hums while setting me down to put my shoes on. After getting our shoes on, Harry gives me a piggyback ride back to the house. We ride the boat back and go inside. Harry has me go get myself a shower and change while he makes dinner and I can't help but wonder what he has in store.

As I get myself ready, I decide to dress up a little bit and put on my flowery dress and flats. I also put on some makeup and curl my hair. I may be putting a little too much effort in for dinner but I have no idea what he has planned.

When I'm done, I walk out into the kitchen and see that there is candle light on the deck. I peek around the corner and see Harry dressed in his black skinny jeans, a blue button up shirt, and his signature boots. He's facing towards the ocean.

"Hey," I say just loud enough for him to hear. He turns his head to look at me and smiles wide.

"Hey," he stands up and walks over to me. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," I blush and look down as he grabs my hand. He leads me to the table and I sit down. He made spaghetti with garlic bread for dinner, which happens to be one of my favorite meals. I smile and look up to see him already looking my way.

"I thought a nice dinner would be a good idea since we haven't really had a chance to relax." He smiles with his dimples out. I can't help but admire how attractive he is. Not only on the outside but on the inside. He is kind, charming, sweet, and so much more.

"I definitely think it's a good idea," I smile as I go to take a bite. After chatting and eating our dinner, we are both almost done.

"So, I did have a purpose for tonight besides just wanting to relax," Harry bites his lip and runs a hand through his hair. I find myself smiling at his nervousness and motion for him to continue. "Well, I've liked you for a while now... and I don't think I've ever really had this feeling about anyone else. And I guess I wanted to know how you would feel about making this official."

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now