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"Harry can go home," Grace smiles once the office door is closed. It's been 3 weeks since our vacation and since we started dating. Grace had me doing rounds at the hospital more than hanging out with Harry. Although I can't say that I didn't try to speed through them a little to get to Harry. I suddenly get super excited and super sad all at the same time. Sure it's great that Harry can leave, but now who knows where he will go or what he will do. I guess there's not much I can do at this point.

"That's great," I smile and sit down.

"It is! We haven't told him so I'd like you to. Also, I want you to know that we have changed your schedule around. You work more than anyone in this whole hospital so now instead of 7 to 7 each day, you will work 6 to 3 on week days. You'll still be paid the same."

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much!" I can't help but smile and thank her. This means I can do so much more during my days. Scarlett's schedule was changed weeks ago and she got her own car so things would go smoother. I guess now our days will be spent much easier than they were.

Once we finish talking, I head to Harry's room to tell him the news. On my way over, I have a crazy mix of emotions. Happy, sad, nervous, scared, you name it. How would Harry react? Would he stick around? Would he go back to One Direction? I guess wondering what will happen doesn't help anything. After calming my thoughts, I walk in to Harry's room.

"Hello beautiful," Harry smiles and sits up.

"Good morning," I blush and walk to sit by him. "I have some news."

Harry scrunches his eyebrows, "Alright...?"

"So, you can leave the hospital," I look over at him and he frowns. I'm not sure how to take this so I wait for him to respond.

"I guess I won't be seeing you much then."

"Well I have other news as well," I nudge his shoulder and smile. He starts to smile and motions for me to continue. "My schedule got changed to 6 to 3 on week days."

He smiles huge and leans over to kiss me. I kiss back and he pulls back smiling bigger. "I change my mind. I'll be seeing a lot of you," he winks kissing me again.

"So you aren't going back to England?" I ask once he finishes showering me with kisses.

"I don't see a reason to," he shrugs, "One Direction hasn't really been doing anything since we made our last album and I like being here with you."

I blush and lay my head on his shoulder smiling, "I'm glad."


"Do you have everything together?" I look around the room making sure he hasn't forgotten anything.

"Yep! Good to go!" He takes my hand as we head to check him out since it's 7:30 and I'm free to go. We get lots of looks and people pointing as we walk through the hospital hand in hand. I have a feeling the paparazzi will be a problem when we leave he hospital.

After checking out, I brace myself for the worst walking out the doors. I am blinded with a million flashes as soon as the doors open and Harry pulls me through them towards the car. We get through the paparazzi and get a whole new rush; fans. Harry, being the sweet guy he is, stops to sign autographs and take pictures with the fans. I know the fans know about Harry being in the hospital but I had no idea they would know who I was.

"Victoria! Victoria! Victoria!" I hear my name from every direction as fans ask for my autograph and pictures. I suddenly remember Harry posting a picture about us and putting my name in it. I decide it wouldn't hurt to sign a few autographs and take a few pictures. Once we get through the crowd, Harry grabs my hand and waves again. We head to the car and go on our way.

"The fans love you," I smile over at him.

"I could say the same to you," he smirks but keeps his eyes on the road.

"I didn't think they would even know who I was!" I laugh and look out the window.

"I have some pretty great fans."

"You definitely do," I look over to see him smiling. Harry is such a genuinely good guy. He stays true to his fans and they respect him for being a normal person. I'm glad they don't invade his personal space too much. Usually they just get a picture and move on so he can go on with his day. Our dates usually have a few fans but mostly they let us be. I guess you could say his fans are pretty fantastic.

We finally make it back to my apartment and head upstairs. Scarlett has already accepted Harry and I being together and isn't as crazy as she used to be. We walk in to see her snuggling with her boyfriend watching a movie. Her and Dr. Taylor, or as we now call him Lucas, made it official last week.

"Hey lovebirds," I say from behind the couch. They both look up and see Harry and I with a suitcase.

"Wait, Harry is home?!" Scarlett yells and jumps off the couch.

"I have my own house," Harry laughs.

"Well why do you have a suitcase?" Lucas asks while pointing to his suitcase.

"That's a great question, I'm not really sure," Harry laughs and sets it down, "I guess I just thought I would grab it."

We all laugh and sit down on the couch. After catching up on everything, we decide we will all go out to dinner at Olive Garden. We load Harry's suitcase up and drive in separate cars so that we can drop his stuff off after dinner.

Scarlett and Lucas meet us outside the car and Harry puts his hood up to hide from the fans and have a peaceful dinner. We sit down and ordered endless soup and salad for each of us. Harry and I tell them about our crazy adventures on the island and they tell us about their latest date. Dinner goes by with only 6 fans coming up, which isn't bad compared to the usual 20 to 30 we get.

After dinner, Harry and I head back to his house so he can unpack. The whole way back he forces me to listen to One Direction since he has a new freedom which apparently gives him the right to choose our music. I haven't ever been to Harry's house since we usually go sightseeing and then back to the hospital. I didn't even know he owned a house here until today because he never brought it up.

We pull up to a cute little yellow house. It isn't around other houses so he doesn't have to worry about fans. We unload his suitcase and go inside to look around. It's a modern looking house in mostly black and white with a few splotches of color here and there. Harry leads me back to his bedroom and I sit on the bed while he unpacks. I watch as his shirt reveals his muscles. I must be lucky to get looks along with personality.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Harry jumps on the bed once he's done and pulls me back to lay with him.

"My pick?" I ask while looking up at him.

"Your pick," he smiles and gives me a quick peck on the lips before handing me the remote. I turn on Love Actually since he told me before that he likes it and I haven't seen it.

"I love this movie!" He squeezes me and we watch the movie together until I fall asleep in his arms.

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