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When I get to lunch, I check my phone seeing that I have 13 texts from Scarlett.

Scarlett: How's your day??

Scarlett: I'm so tired.

Scarlett: Hello?

Scarlett: What's up with people in this hospital?!

Scarlett: I swear nobody has manners.

Scarlett: This is Bolshevik.

Scarlett: Wow, History sucks.

Scarlett: I'm glad that wasn't my major.



Scarlett: VICTORIA!

Scarlett: Do I need to call the cops?!

Scarlett: I shall sit here until you come in for lunch. You love food too much to miss lunch completely.

Me: Sorry, we aren't supposed to text during work. I'm on my way.

I walk into the cafeteria to see Scarlett sitting alone looking off into the distance. After getting my food, I walk over and sit down by her.

"Where on Earth have you been?! I swear I was about to go all madman on you!" She shouts at me.

"It's called working. I got caught up talking to a patient," I say nonchalantly avoiding the fact that she is in love with his best friend.

"You actually talk to your patients? Wow you're dedicated."

I roll my eyes and start to eat. All I can think about is how cute this boy is. I mean what kind of celebrity is THAT down to Earth? I figured he would be a jerk. Yet, he was so sweet and funny. He actually seemed interested in conversation. What am I thinking? Getting involved with a patient is risky. He probably isn't interested anyway. I mean who would be interested in me? I'm nothing extraordinary.

"Victoria? You okay?" Scarlett waves in my face snapping me out of my thoughts for the second time today. What is this boy doing to me?

"Yeah sorry. I guess it's because of my lack of sleep," I glare.

She put her hands up in defense, "I didn't mean to keep you up! I had to pee!" We get a few looks around to room and I put my head down in my hands.

"Please be quiet," I mumble trying to turn the attention away from our table.

"Sorry," she giggles, "I can't NOT be loud." I raise my eyebrows at her and keep eating my lunch.

"So how are your patients?" I inquire.

"Oh don't get me started. I literally hate all but one. I know that's awful but they are so rude! I had an old man say I was too hyper and asked for a new doctor. Who does that?!"

"Sorry Scar, I can't help you there. You are a little crazy sometimes." I chuckle earning a glare from her. "What about the patient you like?"

"Oh yeah! She's a sweet old lady and she's literally my favorite person ever. I love her." I drag a finger down my face to imply that I'm crying. "Besides you of course!" She winks.

"Good. What about work wise, any cases that are interesting?" I ask curiously.

"Being a radiologist isn't the most exciting thing ever. At least not today," she slumps into her chair. I finally finish eating and glance at my watch realizing it's 3:30 and I have 3 and a half hours to finish all my work for the day.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now