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Harry is squeezing my hand as hard as he can as we walk to the front door.

"Harry, I can't feel my hand," I whisper and he turns to look at me with a sorry expression and a smile.

"Sorry, babe." I smile and follow behind Josh and Tiffany. Josh clicks the button and we all wait for the door to open. Amber, my sister, opens the door and we immediately hush her. She nods before waving for us to come in.

"Mom is upstairs, just wait on the couch and I'll tell her there's a surprise for her," she says before turning on her heels to head upstairs. I squeeze Harry's hand before letting go and heading to the kitchen to set the food down. We all walk to the living room and don't talk so she doesn't know who may be here. Harry looks around at the pictures before looking down at me. I smile and lean into him as he puts his arm around me. I am seriously in love with him, it's crazy.

"A surprise?" We hear my mom say as she is walking down the stairs. We all look her way before attempting to pretend we aren't there. "Oh my goodness! Hello everyone!"

"Happy Birthday!" We yell in unison before getting up to say hello.

"Hey mom," Josh goes first as he gives her a hug.

"Happy Birthday Rebecca!" Tiffany says as she goes for a hug as well.

"Happy Birthday mom!" I smile and give her a hug.

"Happy Birthday! It's nice to finally meet you,"  Harry smiles as he reaches to shake her hand.

"Harry! It's lovely to meet you!" She doesn't take his hand and instead pulls him in for a hug. "This is a wonderful surprise! I've been waiting to meet you for so long!"

"Hello everyone!" My dad comes down and smiles at us all.

"Dad!" I yell and run to give him a hug.

"Steve!" Tiffany yelled running this way as well.

"Hey dad," Josh says as he comes over to say hello. My family has always been close, of course fighting occurred but we always made it through. We had family dinners every night we could and a movie night each Sunday night together. My mom and dad have always been deeply in love and it's admired me.

"This must be Harry!" my dad reached a hand out as soon as he was free of our embraces.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Harry nods and shakes his hand.

"You can call me Steve," my dad smiles.

"We have food in the kitchen!" I tell as I head in there to get it ready. "Everybody to the table!" Harry comes to my side to help me get everything together and everyone else goes to sit down.

"You have an amazing family," Harry smiles and kisses me on the cheek. "I'll have to take you to meet mine one of these days."

"I would love to!" I smile before giving him a quick hug and heading to the table. I hand out the sandwiches and set the chips out that I put in bowl and sit down next to Harry.

Lunch mostly consists of asking Harry questions like; Where are you from? Do you like singing? Why aren't you touring? How is your condition? Can you sing for us? Harry keeps his hand in mine the entire time we eat. He doesn't seem to be phased by their questions and I can see that he is happy. We finish lunch and Josh goes to get the cookie cake, my mom's favorite. We all sing Happy Birthday and I find myself smiling because Harry's voice is amazing.

Mom requests that for her birthday, Harry sings her a song. I tried to tell her that he didn't need to but he insisted that he could. We all go to the living room and sit down and Harry stands in the front of the room with my dad's old guitar. He didn't tell me what he would sing but he seems pretty confident as he begins to strum the guitar.

If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. I think I might give up everything just ask me to.

I immediately recognized the song and found myself smiling like crazy at his beautiful voice.

Pay attention I hope that you listen, cause I've let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenseless.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely, and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me, when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only.

Harry hasn't lost eye contact with me the whole time. It's like he is singing right to me, which is unbelievably amazing. His voice alone is enough to make me fall in love, even though I know that's not even scratching the surface of why I'm in love with this amazing guy.

I've got scars, even though they can't always be seen. And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing.

Pay attention I hope that you listen, cause I've let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenseless.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely, and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me, when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only.

I can feel your heart inside of mine, I've been going out of my mind. Know that I'm just wasting time and I hope that you don't run from me.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely, and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me, when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely, and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me, when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only.

Everyone gets up and claps once he's finished. I immediately run up and give him a giant hug which proves to be extremely difficult with the guitar. "I love you so much, Harry Edward Styles."

"I love you, too," he picks me up in our hug and spins me around. After playing too many board games to count and having dinner, we finally decide to head out so I can get some sleep before work tomorrow. Everyone fell in love with Harry, in fact my mom pulled me aside and told me she was so happy I found an amazing guy. Amber was surprisingly off of her phone most of the night, I could tell she definitely liked Harry.

"Before you guys leave, Josh and I have some news," Tiffany says while looking over to Josh who automatically comes over and puts his arm around her. We all exchange glances and Harry puts his arm around me casually as I lean into him.

"We're pregnant!"

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now