Chapter 3 ✔️

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Last Edited: May 31, 2019


"What are you?" I whispered. Laughing, the robot took a step closer to me, shaking the earth so hard I bounced up and down.

"I don't have to answer to you, pest. Now come here." He growled.

His silver body shone as the sun hit him, blinding me. His red stripes reminded me of blood. Panic took over as his hand reached down.

Way to close.

"Get away from me!" I panicked, my instincts taking over as I attempted to fly away. My left wing flapped hard while my right hung limp. I managed to get about ten feet in the air, but the pain was excruciating and I found myself panting for breath.

How am I going to get out of this??

The female looking robot laughed at my failed attempt to get away. His voice sounded more high pitched than ever as he snatched me right from the air.

"You're coming with me, human. Or are you even human?" He grinned as he poked my injured wing. I cried out in agony. His talon-like fingers dug into my sides without remorse.

My uninjured wing hung freely as I was jerked closer to his smirking face. The robot squeezed me so hard I feared that he would snap my other wing in half.

He studied me curiously as if waiting for me to miraculously break free from him. "I'm... a-a... human," I growled, trying to wiggle out of his grip.

Instead of listening to me, the large robot pressed a finger to his ear. "I have retrieved the human as requested, my liege. I need a groundbridge at my coordinates."

Seconds later, a giant green swirling mass opened behind him. "Let me go!" I yelped. What is that thing? Where is he taking me?

I had to get away.

As the robot turned towards the "groundbridge," a voice boomed from behind us, loud and angry.

"Let the human go, Starscream!"

"Starscream" sneered and turned towards the voice. "And what will you do about it, Autobot?" I twisted around and found yet another large robot.

It stood tall, its white metal gleaming in the sunlight. One sword was drawn and pointed towards me and Starscream while his other hand had somehow transformed into a cannon.

And that voice... I've heard that voice before.

Without even flinching, the white 'Autobot' threw one of his swords. Starscream yelp in alarm as the sharp blade hit him straight on his arm.

He let out a cry of pain as his arm from the elbow down began to drop, completely severed from the rest of his body. The claws loosened from around me, and I forced myself to flap with my left wing as I tried to save myself from an extremely painful impact with dirt.

Keyword tried.

"Ow." I groaned as a large figure hurried towards me, picking me up in its large metal hand.

The white robot.

"Let me go! Help!" I screamed and pounded away at the metal surrounding me. The robot grunted.

"Hey! I'm trying to help you! Shut it would ya'!?" He said as he sprinted away from the second robot.

"Ratchet. I need a groundbridge," He growled.

No way was I going inside one of those swirling holes. So with all my might, I pushed myself out of his hand and flapped as hard as I could.

I grimaced at the pain, but my adrenaline was pumping, pushing it away. "Gotta get away," I told myself.

Wheeljack shouted at me from down below, waving his arms. I ignored him and turned directions, towards home.

Fear twisted in my gut, mixed with pain and confusion. Macen would be furious. He hated it when I was late.

"Just one thing after another," I whispered. A few minutes later, I spotted the orphanage. With a cry of pain, I landed on the roof. "Macen is going to kill me."

I tucked my wings in, trying to ignore the excruciating pain, and hurried down the fire escape and towards my bedroom window. After sliding the glass up, I climbed inside and let out a sigh, placing my forehead against the wall. Finally safe.

I heard an angry shouting coming from downstairs and winced. "Well, almost safe," I muttered, grabbing some shorts and a tank top from one of my drawers.

Blood from my injuries soaked into my clothing. Macen wouldn't ask if he noticed them. One, I did all the laundry. Two, he was the main cause for most of the blood I shed.

Stepping into my private bathroom, I made hast in taking a shower, knowing Macen would notice the sound of running water. My loose feathers washed down the drain, along with the dried blood on my arms and wing. My white feathers were now stained pink.

Great. That would take forever to get out. The hot water felt good on my skin, and I made a happy grin at the smell of my strawberry shampoo. About five minutes later, I stepped out and completely dried myself off before standing in front of my mirror. One large cut that ran down my arm needed stitching, but other than that, my wing was the worst injury.

"Where is that wrap?"

I grabbed a small roll of medical tape from a drawer. Within ten minutes I had my arm wrapped up with gauze to seep up any extra blood. Then I moved to my wing.

After snapping my joint back to where it belonged (yes, it hurt as much as it sounds), I plucked a few feathers, making sure the area with the injury was bare.

I wasn't completely confident in my medical skills, but after watching animal planet so many times, and the TV show Dr. Pol, I learned a few things. Animal Planet never lies.

With the wrap tightly around my wing, I tucked it into my shirt, and put my leather jacket on. After staring into my reflection in the bathroom for a few moments, I sighed.

Then, there was pounding on the door.

"I know you're in there!! What do you think you're doing, getting home so late? You have chores to do! Get out here NOW!"

A new fear filled me as I opened the door. Macen glared at me before taking my arm and yanking me out. "What have I told you about following the rules?" He growled.

His eyes were hard and cold, making me flinch. At first, I couldn't speak, my voice nothing more than a few stutters. When he grasped my wrist, I whimpered.

"I'm s-sorry. I h-had to help someone from school out and I left school late."

"I don't care what you were doing." Macen grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked hard. "Next time, I won't be so nice."

Without another word, he slammed my head into the wall as hard as he could.

Everything went black.

The Girl With WingsWhere stories live. Discover now