Chapter 20 ✔️

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Last Edited: June 19, 2019 


I could feel nothing but darkness.

The gag in my mouth was uncomfortable, and with all of my crying and running nose, it was hard to breathe. My arms and legs were bound tightly with chains that were attached to the wall. Panic began to rise in me as I gasped for breath.

Where am I?

Locked away in this little room, I've been sitting for what has felt like hours. No means of escape. No sign of another living creature. Where was Wheeljack? And why was he being a complete jerk to me before? I sighed into my gag and leaned against the wall. My wings had been tightly bound together, which meant no flying. Tears brimmed in my eyes again, suddenly feeling the panic fill my entire being.

Where am I?

Suddenly, a door I hadn't noticed before creaked open slowly. I jerked my head up, scooting back against the wall. What do they want from me? Why am I here? Why does it always happen to me? What did I ever do wrong?

I wanted to spit the questions out at lightning speed, but my gag muffled them, so I slid away from the man who was now approaching me. The light made me wince, and tears formed, wanting desperately to stop the burning sensation the light was causing.

The man stopped right in front of me, his head cocked to one side. A scar sat on top of his nose; as did one in a small spot across his forehead. The grim expression he gave me gave me the chills. I could practically feel his eyes burning holes into me.

Without a word, he smiled and grabbed my chin, yanking my head up when I had begun to stare at my legs. I didn't like the way he looked at me. It scared me to no end.

"You've grown, Hope." he stated. His practically black eyes stared into my own. "That is what you call yourself now, correct?"

I nodded, and he rolled his eyes, releasing my chin. "We should have made a grab for you earlier; before you began shown any sign of independence." he scoffed. "It would have been so much easier when you were younger to control you."

Control me? Anger boiled up inside of me. I didn't like the sound of that. "Do you know why you are here? Or who I am?" the man asked, bending down to my eye level. I slowly shook my head twice, answering both of his questions. He sighed.

"Thought so. My name is Silas, Hope. And the reason you are here is because you are my property. You belong to me. You might not remember, due to your amnesia, but you ran from me and my organization when you were five."

Despite the headache that was beginning to pound in my head, I tried to concentrate. Five years old? Despite my best efforts, I couldn't remember anything before then. Just that I had a brother and no home. I shook my head quickly, not wanting to believe him. What right did he have, claiming me as his own without a second thought of what I had to say? I was not an item, let alone his property.

My eyes found his cold, dark ones and I shivered.

Try telling him that you coward.

Silas knew what I was thinking, apparently, because he smiled, not-so-sweetly adding, "You belong to me because nobody loves you enough to keep you. I took care of you, I made you this way. So you will appreciate me and everything I have blessed you with."

He took the gag out of my mouth, and I yanked away from the cloth, wanting nothing more to do with it. My tears had stopped. Now I just stared at him, confusion covering my facial features and questions running amuck through my mind.

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