Chapter 9 ✔️

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Last Edited: May 31, 2019


I couldn't help but feel anger inside my spark chamber as I sat and waited for Hope to come out of that horrible place.

How could humans be so cruel to each other? Giving one senseless beating because of a disagreement. As the minutes passed, I suddenly started to feel uneasy.

Where was Hope?

It was almost ten minutes after she had gone inside and she hadn't come out yet. Turning my holoform on, I leaned against my door and waited another minute or so. Suddenly, there was an ear piercing scream from inside. I jumped up, surprised.

"Why did I let her go in alone?" I mentally kicked myself in the aft. Running to the door, I heard another scream. I yanked on the doorknob of the front door. Locked.

So with one, two, three hard kicks, I managed to break the door down and run inside. I gagged. Everything smelled of what the humans called alcohol.

How could the fleshies consume something that disgusting? I shoved the thought out of my mind as I scanned the room, trying to find Hope. No sign of her.

"I won't do it again, I swear! Please!" Her scream came from up the stairs. I sprinted forward, anger boiling inside me. The first room on the left was where Hope sat, cowering away as a disgusting looking older man snapped down on her with a leather belt.

How dare he.

"Wheeljack!" Hope screamed, sobbing. The fleshy known as Macen turned to stare at me. He hummed.

"Well you're not the person I was looking for." he said quietly to himself before lashing out. The leather belt just missed me as I dodged and rolled to the other side of the room.

"Who are you supposed to be anyway?" Macen asked me as he stalked over to me.

I clenched my denta as he glanced back to Hope, who was sobbing and hugging herself. A large red gash ran up her arm from where Macen had struck her with the belt.

"Don't worry, Hopeless, I'll be with you in a moment. They should be here any moment to get you," He said in a sing-song voice.

Who was supposed to get Hope? Could the Decepticons be coming? I needed to get Hope out of here and back to the base as quickly as possible.

Reaching to my back, I pulled one of my katanas out from its sheath and pointed it at Macen.

Thank Primus Ratchet was able to make my holoform with my weapons. They were apart of me. And together, we sure as heck were about to kick aft.

"Who are you?" Macen questioned, snapping the belt.

"Hope's friend. And I won't let you hurt her anymore." Macen lunged and threw a punch.

I dodged him and grabbed his fist, twisting hard before pushing him forward. The man stumbled backwards before he went tumbling down with the sweep of my leg.

I immediately ran to Hope. "W-Wheeljack," She whimpered.

"Your gonna be okay, kid. We need to get you to Ratchet," I said quietly. I cursed under my breath. I couldn't get a comm link in my holoform. But no way was I leaving her with Macen.

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