Chapter 41 ✏️

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So, my goal for this chapter is five votes (or more)
I tried to post this chapter as quickly as possible, so here it is! Enjoy!

Starscreams P.O.V

"But, my liege! Must you hire the rouge to retrieve your weapon!? Why not let me and my armada take care of the human?"

"If I remember so correctly, you and that pest arachnid tried off-lining the femme!"

"I am aware I made a mistake, lord Megatron, but-"

"You will continue to make mistakes, and I can I longer trust you to get a simple job done. Knockout!"

I glared as the red mech as he stepped forward. "You will be accompanied by Lockdown to retrieve the femme."

"I do not wish to question you, Lord Megatron, but why must the bounty hunter join me?" Megatron hummed to himself.

"I do not fully trust the mech." Knockout merely nodded before turning to leave. "Soundwave! Find the humans energon signal and create a groundbridge."

The mech nodded quietly and turned to leave with Knockout. "Please, Lord Megatron, give me another chance-"

"I am done with you, Starscream. Leave my sight before I end your pitiful existence." I cowered when he stood, towering over me.

I left quickly and growled when i exited the throne room. Everything will be better when I take charge as rightful leader of the Decepticons!

But I will require help to get rid of the warlord....

Ryan's P.O.V

"Come one, Hope! You can do better than that!" My little sister growled at me in frustration as I easily dodged her punch.

She was getting better at defending herself, according to Wheeljack. But when it came to offense, she was lacking.

"You're the one with training!" She huffed. I tapped my foot only once. Ratchet was helping me with my sight, so it's getting to the point where I can barely see the image of a person or objects.

He's been giving me a weird liquid mix that's supposed to heal my eyes. He started giving it to me around a week before Hopes birthday party, and since then, everything's been getting better.

Soon, I'll be able to see completely. And that was exciting. All the experiments I went through with Silas had been working, but at an awfully slow pace.

He would have others prod and poke me. Cut me open and then sew me up all over again just to repeat the process.

In the corner of my blurry vision, I spotted Hope swinging at me again. I dodged once again and kicked. She blocked and jabbed at my abdomen:

And I'm not even trying.

Quickly, I grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back, kicking the back of her knee. She fell forward onto her knees.

                   This is so frustrating!" She huffed. I smiled at her.

"You'll get it." I reassured her. She smiled at me as I let her up.

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