Chapter 23 ✔️

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Last edited: June 25, 2019


"I will only ask once more, Autobot scum-"

"Well aren't you persistent?" I mutter, just loud enough for him to hear. Starscream growled at me before stabbing the electric spear into my side. Scrud. I yelled out in pain, closing my optics for a short moment before forcing myself to push the pain aside.

"If Megatron wants to know so bad, why doens't he ask me himself? Heard his forms of torture are much worse than yours." I grin before cocking my head to one side. "Guess he needs the weak to feel important enough to do something around here."

Starscream grit his denta before taking another stab at my side. Ignoring the pain, I let my gaze fall to the only exit in the prison cell I was in. It had two guards on the inside that kept guard at all times, which I would have no trouble at all dealing with if I could get out of these stupid shackles.

Only a few days had passed since being upon the Nemesis, but in the back of my processor I couldn't help but worry. Not about myself, though. I hadn't seen or heard from Hope since my arrival.

I just hoped she wasn't stupid enough to follow me on my fall down to the ground. If she had, I hadn't seen her, but there was a big chance she was on the Nemesis with me. I couldn't bring myself to escape without knowing if she was here or not. But that brought another fear to me that made my energon run cold.

Where was she?

After my crash, I had been attacked by a Predicon. The piece of scrap that caused us to crash in the first place. I couldn't help but wonder where in the Allspark Megatron managed to find it. Their kind have been extinct since the dark ages on Cybertron.

My thoughts were brought to a screeching halt as I felt another wave of pain. Starscream was yelling meaningless insults that I hadn't bothered to pay attention to. He grunted, his optics narrowing at me.

"I will not ask again, Autobot. Where is the secret location of the Autobot base." I laugh.

"Like I'll tell you. You aren't getting anything out of me, Con."

"Perhaps Lord Megatron shall do the honors of getting information out of you?.." he hummed to himself, suddenly cheery. My optics narrowed as Starscream steps back and turns on his very high heel, strutting out of the room.

The two guards immediately turn their attention towards me, as if waiting for me to make my miraculous escape. My katanas hung on the far wall to my right, along with the last explosive I had held with me upon capture. Retrieving those would make my escape easier.

The door to the cell opened, and in walked the Decepticon lord himself. His servos were tightly clasped behind his back, his red optics narrowed in on me. I made a lopsided grin.

"You here to get the information out of me now? I told your petty second in command that I wasn't going to say anything. Might as well kill me now." I said, knowing he wouldn't. Not yet, at least. Until he found another source for information, I was his best shot to finding the base. Not that I would utter a word.

"I am here simply to give a status report on recent events." Megatron said simply, an evil grin on his face. "I thought you would be interested on the whereabouts of your pet-"

"Keep your slimy servos away from her if you know what's good for you, scum." I spat, narrowing my optics. Megatron smirked.

"As I thought."

"Keep away from the human-"

"I suggest you keep quiet or I will personally see to the femmes end." Megatron spat, taking a step too close. His face was only a foot away, and I grimaced, but in no way tried to move away. Instead, I leaned forward, keeping my mouth shut. For Hope's sake.

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