Chapter 24 ✔️

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Last edited: June 25, 2019


"Gah!" I cried out in frustration at the itching situation that traveled down my arms and legs. Red blotches of dried out skin had appeared up and down my body, and my restraints forced me to sit and not be able to scratch anything.

I had heard about the side effects of poison ivy and poison oak, even experienced them a few times, but this was ridiculous! Blood from underneath my bindings began to roll down my arms and drip onto the floor of the cage from how tight they were tied.

"Need any help?" I heard the voice before I saw him, and I flinched. Lockdown. A blank expression was on his face as he sat there watching me, rendered helpless, to the itching sensation. But I knew he wasn't talking about the itching when he added, "I'm going to let you out of the cage, and you aren't going to fight me. Got it?"

Slightly confused, I nodded, hesitating to exit when he unlocked the cage door. He grunted, grabbing my arm and yanking me out when I didn't come out fast enough. Before I could ask what he was doing, he yanked me along behind him towards the back of the room.

Cages full of screeching creatures all around me made me wince and I tried to block out the noise as the Lockdown stopped at a metal door with several locks on it. Lifting a leg, he kicked, the bottom of his foot connecting with the door and it came crashing down.

"Where are we go-"

"They don't know we are gone yet, so I suggest you bite your glossa before they find out we are gone." That made me shut up, and I found myself biting my lip in nervousness. Every now and then, Lockdown would stop when we reached a new hallway and close his eyes, as if concentrating on something else, before opening them again and continuing on.

Every single time he would do this, the security cameras that sat perched along the walls would seem to glitch. The red light indicating they were on disappeared as we hurried down the hallway, before turning on seconds later.

A few minutes later, Lockdown turned a corner and stopped abruptly. I ran into his back with a grunt before bouncing off and landing onto my butt. We were now in a large dark room with no light. "Lockdown-" I suddenly noticed that he was nowhere in sight. "Lockdown?"

Suddenly, my body was lifted off the ground. I slammed my hands to my mouth to keep from screaming, but I still made an involuntary squeak. The being chuckled and I gulped, squirming in his grip as he began to walk farther into the dark.

The hand jerked forward with me in it as he stopped, turning and heading in the opposite direction. "Cover your head."


I was cut off when he slammed his fist into the wall completely destroying it and sending concrete flying everywhere. I covered my face and let out a yelp of surprise as the rubble flew dangerously close to my body. Before it had time to settle, Lockdown stepped outside, and I sucked in the cool air.

It had felt like I would never see the outside again, but here I was, staring up into the night sky. Stars shined from up above, and for a split second, I felt peace. The silence was welcomed and I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath.

It all went downhill from there.

A siren blared seconds after we had stepped outside and large search lights switched on, going back and forth while scanning the surrounding area. Lockdown shook his head and grunted before tossing me up in the air. I let out a shriek , suddenly realizing that my wings were still tied behind me, and I couldn't fly.

Gravity brought me down into a mass of changing and grinding metal, and I landed in a car seat. Breathing heavily, I felt a seat belt wrap around me tightly before the roaring engine filled my ears and we were speeding off into the night.

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