Chapter 47 ✏️

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It's me again! Hope you didn't miss me too much! Okay, just snorted... I'm gonna start writing now XD

Hope's P.O.V

              "I can't finish it that quickly. Especially with Knockout gone." Shockwave stared at me silently, as always, while Megatron merely glared.

               "You will not fail to serve me as I command, pet. Failure is not an option." And serving you isn't an option. Bags pulled the skin under my eyes. My hands trembled, as well as my bottom lip.

           I'm scared. Beyond scared, terrified. Shockwave has completed my Cybertronian body. The news sent me into shock. The only thing keeping me from being put in the body now is the fact that I haven't completed the Cyber Matter.

                I can't do this! But I have to. Ryan needs me. I'm his sister, and he would do the same for me if he was in my position.

                I've held my tongue and stopped arguing with whatever Megatron says. If I don't listen, he hurts Ryan like he did last time. For my good behavior, Shockwave agreed to help him with his sight.

              The very though of the experimenting physic going near Ryan made me shudder. "I am working as fast as I can, L-lord Megatron." My stutter made me look as weak as I felt, and I winced.

           I feel like I've always been weak. I have all these powers, and my wings, but I can't do anything to protect myself. I'm useless.

          And now I'll be forced to kill my friends.

         "Trying isn't good enough. From now on, you will not receive energon or rest until the Cyber Matter is completed. Understood?"

         I bowed slightly, my headache from the other day still pounding at my head. "Yes, Lord Megatron."

            "Very well. Knockout won't be here to help you, so Shockwave will assist you in your work." And then we were dismissed. The two of us walked down the metal hallways, passing vehicons and other Decepticons as we went.

               "I don't know how I'm going to do this." I whimpered quietly, bike rising in my throat.

            "Illogical statement. You know how, you simply aren't looking at the needed facts. You will complete the formulas and then you will be a Cybertronian."

                 His monotone voice cut through my thoughts like a knife. "I don't want this. I can't hurt my friends, but I can't let my brother die." I whispered. The guilty feeling was in my stomach again.

                "Again, illogical. You can, your conscious just does not wish to." Its impossible to talk to you.... I ignored Shockwave and tried my best to focus on the task at hand once we reached the lab, gathering energon letting out a loud sigh.

                 This cant end well...

Lockdowns P.O.V

             Everything was going to come to an end soon. I could feel it in my spark. There seemed to be more of a war within the Decepticon ranks than anywhere else.

          Starscream constantly complaining about Megatron and how he was rightfully meant to rule. Without my help, the puny seeker would die at the warlords hand.

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