Chapter 18 ✔️

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Last Edited: June 19, 2019


"Ow." I yelped in pain, yanking my face away from Wheeljack. His holoform was on, as was the autopilot for the Jackhammer. I couldn't bring myself to go back to base yet. I hated it when the attention was on me, and I knew Ratchet would probably blow a fuse and ask a million questions on how I managed to injure myself yet again.

"It wouldn't hurt if you stopped moving." Jackie stated simply before wiping off the blood that was dripping down my face. I pouted as he finished placing another band-aid down above my eye.

"I'm not moving!" I argued. As I spoke, my head bobbed back and forth, making Jackie grab the top of my tender head. Everything hurt. "Ow!" I complained again.

"I said hold still." Jackie shrugged as he finished wiping some blood away and giving a satisfied smile.

"There." With that, his holoform disappeared, and his true body began moving, clicking some buttons on the controls before sighing and glancing back over to me.

"You okay?" he questioned. Probably the tenth time he had asked.

"Yes." The tenth time I had answered. Jackie paused before sighing again.

"I'm sorry. I should have been there." There he went again, beating himself up. It was probably the millionth time he'd said sorry.

"Wheeljack, I'm fine!" I assured him as I opened the bag that held my food inside. All this had happened and I still hadn't eaten. Wheeljack simply watched me as I took a few bites of my meal. "Mmm! This is so good!" I laughed softly before leaning back in the seat I was practically lying down in. Wheeljack said nothing.

A few minutes passed, and I stared outside, watching the clouds fly by. I wanted to fly so bad, but I knew my body would hurt like heck. I could almost hear Ratchets speech about waiting for your body to heal before doing something reckless. Sighing, I fidgeted with my hands after I was done eating.

Macen had come back for me. Would he come back again? It seemed he would do anything for money. And what about the Decepticons? They hadn't shown up at all since the last time I had been kidnapped, but who was to say they wouldn't try again?

Life was meant to be lived to the fullest, and enjoyed to no extent. All my life, I have only experienced the gift of flying. Literally the only thing that brought me happiness, other than my brother, who was dead. Thinking of Ryan made my eyes water, and I wiped off a few tears, hoping Wheeljack wouldn't notice.

But he did, and he raised an eyebrow before holding out his hand to me. Slowly standing up, I made sure I tucked in my wings, which had been carelessly laying limp at my sides, before climbing on. Taking hold of one of Jackie's fingers, I balanced myself as he raised me up to his face.

"You sure you're okay?"

I wanted to answer him like I had been for the past half an hour, but I sighed, looking down at my feet. Was I okay? I shrugged, and Wheeljack gave me an uncertain look before leaning back in his chair, his hand still held up to his face. It was sad how I still had to look up in order to look him in the eye.

"I know something has been bothering you. Before that flesh-bag came." he quickly added the last part before I could open my mouth to answer, yet again, that I was just sore from the attack.

"I want to be there for you when somethings bothering you," Jackie said, looking down at me. "Keeping your feelings all bottled up inside is not healthy for you." I looked away from him and bit my lip.

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