Chapter 30 ✏️

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Hey! Gonna keep this short and say I hope you like this chapter!


Hope's P.O.V

My legs felt like jello, but I still managed to run away. Starscream fired a few shots at me from the cannon in his arm, missing terribly each time. The female Deceptcion hissed at the mech and the next thing I knew, Starscrean was attatched to the wall.

"Do it quickly, Arachnid! Megatron will be back soon!" he sounded frightened as he mentioned his masters name. Pushing myself faster, I hurried to the large door to the Med bay that was open, much to my luck, and ran out.

Tears formed in my eyes from the amount of pain I felt. Quickly, I opened my wings and jumped. My muscles strained from the effort and I managed a few flaps before falling again. Something white shot past me and hit the wall in front of me. The same sticks substance that held Starscream down.

I screamed and ducked as Arachnid lunged at me. I tucked in my wings, dropping like a dead weight as gravity took its toll on me, and I landed with a thud. Ignoring the pain, I rolled to my left and started running again.

There were no vehicons in sight, to my despair. No bot was here to help me! Turning another corner, I tried to focus my horrible eyesight as the hallways darkened with each turn I took. The sound of footfalls, several footfalls, brought me to run faster.

"Now, now, little human." Arachnid laughed to herself, "You will be getting tired soon and then your head will be added to my trophies!"

Shaking with fear, I screamed for help and stumbled down another large hallway. Only, this one was a dead end, and I cried out as Arachnid lunged at me again. She slammed into the door, forcing it open. Covering my head, I watched helplessly as her body flew over mine and into fresh air.

I ran away from the heap of metal next to me, suddenly realizing that the female decepticon was standing onto her several pedes again, sneering at me. "I like a good chase, human, but the seeker is right. Megatron wouldn't be pleased to find me here. So I suggest you hold still while I cut off your head."

"W-why would I do that!?" I squeaked as I scrambled away from her. She hissed and the next thing I knew, my body was rammed with a sticky substance and I was stuck on the ground. One wing was stuck out to my side, and I hissed in pain as the glue like substance pulled at my feathers.

"HELP!" I screamed. A smaller piece of web, I decided to call it, since she was a spider, smacked me in the mouth, muffling my pleas. Arachnid leaned down to me, running a cold digit over my face. The little contact was enough to make me bleed, since my skin was now so fragile.

She grimaced as she ran the digit slowly down my face and under my chin, pulling my head up and inspecting me closely. She was in such a position that her spider-like body was right over top of me and her eight legs surrounding me on every side.

"Your so weak looking." she sighed. "But Starscream asked me to do this and I need a trophy anyhow, so why not take a head for free?" I winced as she hissed at me again and went to strike me with her servo, which was very sharp, I might add.

Great. Your going to die. What a great life you've lived. My mind said sarcastically. Suddenly, a roar split the chilly air and I snapped my head towards the direction of the noise. Arachnid screamed as she was thrown to the side and hit the ground in a thump, her metal scraping the metal of the ship.

My eyes widened in realization. We were outside. Well, I already knew that, but we were with the dragon. "Beast!" Arachnid shot some of her web at the dragons foot before heading towards me again. The dragon ripped the webbing off its foot in one strong motion and twisted around, roaring and hitting the female Decepticon with the end of its tail.

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