Chapter 13 ✔️

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Last Edited : June 16, 2019


"May I ask what you are doing?" Optimus asked curiously as I took the scissors Raf let me borrow into my hands. The base was empty, other than Optimus, me, and Ratchet. I smiled up at the large robot and held up the dress that I had bought earlier that day.

"I'm cutting holes into my clothes, so my wings can come out," I explained as I made a large cut on the right side of my white dress. Optimus nodded in understanding.

"But won't other humans notice the hole?" Optimus asked.

"That's why I have this blue jean jacket." I held up my new favorite jacket and then wrinkled my nose as I looked down at my dirty arms and legs. I hadn't really noticed how filthy I was. "Do you have a shower here?" I asked.

"Yes," Optimus said, much to my surprise. "It is down the hall and to the right. I'll show you. It is right next to your berthroom."

"Berthroom?" I asked.

"Bedroom." Ratchet said from his spot across the room.

"Oh. Wait, you guys made me a bedroom?" Optimus smiled down at me as he lowered his hand for me to step on. I climbed into it, making sure I had my clothes needed for a shower.

"We installed them for our human friends right after we met them. Miko often has sleepovers." I laughed at the thought as Optimus walked down the hallway, stopping at a small door near the end.

Placing his hand down, he added as I hoped off, "I still do not understand the point of the ritual."

With a giggle, I shook my head. "Neither do I."

After thanking him, I opened the door and gasped. The room was huge. It was clear Miko decorated it because the walls were all a blood red color with a few Slash Monkey posters. I chuckled as I opened the door to my bathroom.

I climbed into the shower after locking the door and taking off my dirty clothes. The hot water felt amazing on my skin. Sighing, I squirted some shampoo onto my dirtied hair. Looking down, I spotted the familiar scar on my stomach from the time Macen had gotten his hands on a knife. I shuddered, all of the fear and pain coming back to me in a wave. Sighing, I placed my head against the wall of the shower.

I just couldn't get Macen out of my head. No matter what I did, or who I was with, I still had permanent damage that pulled my deepest, darkest memories back towards the surface.

My wings grew heavy from the water, and I groaned as the muscles in my back tried to keep them up. Nearly half an hour later I finally stepped out, shaking my wings out and taking my time with drying them. Wheeljack wanted to surprise me with something and left, saying he might take a while getting back.

I was in no rush getting dressed. The white dress slipped onto my small body with ease, and I fit my wings through the newly cut holes to make sure they fit correctly. Satisfied, I put my blue jean jacket on and then slipped my converses on.

"Are you done now?" The voice startled me so much that I jumped and let out a small scream.

Ratchet chuckled as he shifted on my bed. "I just wanted to give you a scan to see if everything is healing correctly. If what you say about your healing is true, then your wing should have healed by now." I clutched my chest, breathing heavily.

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