Chapter 35 ✏️

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Sorry this book is taking too long. Ugg. I hate it when that happens. Hope you guys are still there. Love you all, and hope you like this chapter!


Hope's P.O.V

       Nearly two weeks have passed since my rescue. No matter how hard I try, I can't forgive myself for what I thought about Wheeljack on the Nemesis. So him and Ryan have been going away a lot, since they know I am uncomfortable around them.

      Ryan, alive?

   I still don't believe it, and I don't want to. The last few days, I have been sleeping with the younger picture of Ryan, hoping the real brother would come back. I found the picture on my bed one day when I came back from a shower, and I knew Wheeljack had put it there.

     Guess what? That made me feel even more guilty. Because only the real Wheeljack had that sacred picture. Because only one Wheeljack had earned my trust and let me open up to him. A few weeks ago, I thought that was the worst mistake of my life. Back when Makeshift was still alive.

     That is another thing. Optimus nor Ratchet are telling me what exactly happened back when I off-lined the Decepticon. I still don't know exactly how I did it, but at the same time, I hope it never happens again.

     A knock sounded at my door, and I tucked the picture of Ryan into my pocket before my door opened. Ratchet smiled at me, hit older holform in the usual lab coat. He looked me up and down, cocking his head to one side.

    "Hope? I think it is best if you came out of your room and got some fresh air? Wheeljack is taking a drive... Hope?" he asked when he realized I had traveled off in my own thoughts.

   "Uh, hmm? I-I'm sorry, Ratchet." I smiled, running a hand through my hair. The best part about the rescue was, I got to change into something that didn't smell like major B.O and was actually clean. I didn't shower, not one time on the Nemesis, and it felt amazing when I finally showered and cleaned the blood and grime off of myself and my wings.

       "Would you like to go out with Wheeljack?" Ratchet repeated his question. I froze up immediately, shaking my head. Ratchet sighed. "Hope, you have been cooped up inside long enough. It has been a few weeks since you have left this room, let alone the base."

      "I don't want to go outside, Ratchet." My wings were outstretched beside me, and he gently stroked one, an emotion I decided to call pity on his face.

     "Don't you want to fly?" At this, my wings twitched. Just the slightest. But I shook my head stubbornly, crossing my arms and sighing.

    "I don't want to go outside." I stated simply. Ratchet sighed, pulling away from my wing.

   "So that is a no for the trip with Wheeljack and Ryan?" I flinched at my 'brothers' name, and immediately grimaced. If he was involved, definitely not. I want to believe he is real. My heart was screaming at me to run and hug him and talk to him.

       My mind was screaming that everything was a trick, and that I was an idiot. Ryan is dead. Silas was lying, as he always does. Ratchet scanned my face, his eyes holding concern. I smiled reassuringly.

    "I am fine, Ratchet. I just want some alone time." with a hesitated nod, he was out of the room and I was alone again. I wanted to go outside. Really, really bad. But everything in my head was raising a red flag, telling me to go no further.

       What if Silas finds me again? Or the Decepticons? No where is safe.

      The Autobots will protect you... won't they?

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