Chapter 37 ✏️

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Hey! Hope you enjoy! Sorry it took so long! (*!*) .... Not really sure what kind of face that is but that's all I've got. Love you all!


Ratchet's P.O.V

"Doc, we have a problem."

"How many times do I have to tell you to refrain from calling me that?" Wheeljack threw me a glare before looking around.

"Where are the others?"

"Scavenging for energon. Now what is going one? I am trying to work-"

"Hope ran off." Wheeljack spit out, worry clear on his face. Hope ran away?

"Why?" I hurried over to the screen where my work was held. In an instant, I had the system searching for nearby energy signals.

"I don't know. She came out of school and ran off. What are you doing?" he questioned as I locked in on a unknown energon signals coordinants.

"She now has energon flowing through her system. I have located her."

"I'll get her-"

"I plan on coming also." I snapped. "You could need back up, and with the rest of the team gone I would rather me be with you." Wheeljack didn't argue, but raised an eyebrow as we hurried through the groundbridge I opened.

"Why would I need back up?"

"If we can track her signal, the decepticons can as well. We must hurry, in case they have already picked up on her signal and have captured her."

She cannot go back to the Decepticons. I will not allow that to happen.


Hope's P.O.V

Ever have that feeling that a two ton weight is on your chest, and if you move even in the slightest then you will be crushed? Yep. That's what a panic attack feels like. A panic attack I am currently having.

I feel drained and weak. Flying for hours with no real destination and a panic attack trying to rip your lungs out to keep you from breathing. Life has its problems. Problems like to dump themselves on others. Others are unfortunate and take the problems like wimps, then die in a hole and others don't even bother to bury you.

Yep. That's how I feel about my life right now.

Sucking in the deepest gulp of air I could, I held my head as a wave of dizziness hit me so hard I folded my wings in slightly, falling at least twenty feet before opening them again and gliding a few more yards.

then I crash landed into the dirt.

Just dig the hole now and bury me already. Oh, wait, no one around to bury me. I'll have to do it myself. I cringed in pain as I rolled my wrist slightly to the left, cradling it with my other hand. My chest tightened and I tried gulping in more air.

Where am I?

I gasped for air as I glanced up, finally noticing the entrance to a cave not too far away. There were rocks surrounding it, and I suddenly realized that I was next to a mountain. "How far did I fly?" I gasped before swallowing throw up threatening to come up.

Gross... Standing up, I shook out my wings before folding them over my clothes, the tips gently raking across the dusty ground. Limping forward, I sucked in more air before suddenly realizing I was hyperventilating.

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