New and Honorable Friend

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One night in New York City, four mutant turtles were up on the rooftops patrolling the city. The first had a blue mask, twin katanas, his name is Leonardo or Leo for short. The second one had a purple mask, a bo staff, his name is Donatello or Donnie for short. The third one had a red mask, twin sais, his name is Raphael or Raph for short. The last one had an orange mask, two nunchucks, his name is Michelangelo or Mikey for short.

For the past few months, the turtles had just defeated the Shredder, now they are patrolling the streets to make sure that there aren't any trouble.

"Anything yet, Don?" asked Leo, "Nothing, what about you, Raph?" asked Donnie, "Nope, not at all, what about you, Mikey?" asked Raph, "Nada on my side......wait I see something." said Mikey

" So spill, what do you see bonehead?" said Raph,  "It's too far to see, but it looks like a girl." said Mikey, "A girl, does she kick butt?" said Raph, "Let me see, Mikey." said Donnie as he looked through a telescope, "Whoa, Mikey's not kidding it is a girl and it looks like she's crying.", "Let's move, boys we'll follow the sound." said Leo as he and his brothers jumped from building to building to follow the sound of crying.

The turtles kept following the sound to an old ally until Leo found a purple tessen with the yin and yang symbol on it that was on the ground and picked it up. That's when the sound got louder.

The turtles instantly looked over the ally and saw a teenage girl who was about their age, all curled up, crying her heart out. She had purple and white hair with a yin and yang symbol hair clip in it and wearing armor that makes her looks a ninja but it was purple. She was cover with cuts and bruises on her body. The turtles couldn't help but feel bad for her and thought of what happened.

"Poor kid." said Raph, "Yeah, looks like she got into a fight." said Donnie, "But what's with the armor?" said Mikey.

Leo hesitant to walk up to the girl, "Hey." he spoke out as he lightly tapped her shoulder, "Are you okay?"

The blue masked turtle saw the purple and white haired girl looked up to see a blue masked turtle and his eyes met with the deep purple eyes that has pink spirals in them filled with tears.

"It's okay." he said softly, giving her a warm smile as he let out his hand. "I know we don't look normal, but we're not going to hurt you."

The purple and white haired girl was still hesitant but she shyly took his hand. Leo instantly helped her up when he did.

"I believe this is yours." said Leo as he gave her the tessen he found.

"Thank you." said the girl as she took her tessen and puts it away.

"You're welcome, my name is Leonardo and these are my brothers, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo." said Leo as he introduced his brothers.

I'm Screwball Fluttershy Draconequus, but you can call me Screwball." said the girl though she was in a bit of pain.

"What are you doing here all by yourself Screwball?" said Donnie a bit serously. "It's dangerous around here, especially at night." 

"Yeah, and what's with the armor, are you a ninja or something?" said Raph

"You see, the thing is that I've just arrived in New York from Japan and yes I am a ninja." said Screwball, "Until an old friend of mine from Japan tried to kill me, he said that we weren't friends anymore." said Screwball as fresh tears fell down her eyes.

The turtles were shocked, angry, and sad about what they just heard. They were shocked because Screwball was from Japan. They were angry because an old friend of Screwball tried to kill her. They were sad because Screwball's old friend said that they weren't friends anymore.

"Whoa, that's deep." said Mikey, Raph shudders "I can't even imagine if Casey tried to kill me.", "I feel bad for her, guys." said Donnie.

Suddenly Leo did something that shocked his brothers and Screwball. He wrapped his arms around the purple and white haired girl and hugged her.

"Don't cry Screwball." He said softly and soothingly. "It's okay.", "Whoa, Leo never had done that before." said Mikey

Screwball felt a bit more comforted by Leo. It was almost like how her long-lost mother, Fluttershy, would comfort her.

As Leo let go, Screwball started to feel dizzy and almost fall to the floor but Leo quickly caught her. 

"Come on, we should probably get you to the lair, but you need to trust me." said Leo as he started to carried Screwball in bride style.

"I trust you, Leonardo." said Screwball and then started to get weak.

"Come on, guys Donnie, can you healed her?" asked Leo, "I'm on it." said Donnie as they headed back to the lair , "Please be okay."said Leo as he carried Screwball bride style back to the lair.

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