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After running as fast as they could, the turtles arrived back at the lair. Screwball was still passed out and she was losing a lot of blood.

"Sensei!" Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey cried as they rushed into the lair.

Master Shredder, Screwball's friends and family, the Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal looked over with worry in their eyes. "My sons!" Master Splinter cried as he and the Ancient One ran up to them and was completely shock and horrified when they saw the purple and white haired girl's stake. "Screwball!" the Ancient One cried.

"Screwball!" Screwball's friends said in horror as they saw their friend, "Screwball, my baby!" Fluttershy said in horror as she and Discord ran up to them. 

"What has happened to her!?" Kon said in shock.

"Shredder. . . Poison Heart. . . Torture. . . Lost so much blood." Raph said breathlessly in fear.

"Clean up her wounds." Juto said seriously, "Now."

Without any hesitation, Donnie took Screwball into his lab to help her. Leo noticed a sad look on the Ninja Tribunal's faces.

"Masters, what's wrong?" Leo asked hesitating a bit, "Our vision. . . Has come true." said Kon sadly, "You had a vision and you didn't even tell us!?" asked Thunder.

"We did not want to worry you all." said Chikara, "It's not your fault." said Leo, "None of us knew Shredder and Poison Heart would come back."

"We know, Leo." said Raph, "Screwball even to the blade for Leo. . . To protect him.", "We just hope she's okay."

"No!" Donnie cried from his lab, "This can't be happening! She doesn't deserve this!"

"That doesn't sound good." Thunder said a bit freaked out when he heard that.

"You think!?" Lighting asked slightly annoyed as she smacked the black, blue, and purple haired boy on the back of his head.

"Ow." Thunder said, wincing in pain as he glared at the red, orange, and yellow haired girl. 'Now I know how Mikey feels.' he thought secretly.

Everyone ran into the lab to see Screwball laying on a bed with Donnie next to her. All her wounds were cleaned and bandaged, but she still hasn't waken up.

"What is it Donnie?" Raph asked, looking really worried.

The purple masked turtle didn't say anything. He was too horrified at what he just found out to speak. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Donnie, what's wrong with Screwball?" Mikey asked in fear.

"Is she okay, Don?" Leo asked, feeling worried for his girlfriend.

"Donatello?" Master Splinter apoke out with a hint of fear in his voice.

Donnie looked at his friends and family as his tears ran down his face. "Screwball. . .  She's. . . She's in a coma." he said as his voice cracked from crying.

Everyone, even the Ninja Tribunal, gasped in horror. The purple and white haired girl was in a coma?

"But how?" Dinky asked in shock and disbelief as her eyes widen with fear and horror.

"Shredder and Poison Heart tortured her pretty bad." Donnie said weakly. "She has broken arms and legs, she lost so much blood, and Shredder's gauntlet was too close to her heart. I. . . I don't know if she'll make it."

"No!" Fluttershy cried as she just ran up to Screwball with tears in her sea green eyes. "Screwball. Please wake up. Please!"

"We lost her once, we will not lose her again. I can't risk myself for losing my only daughter!" Discord cried with tears in his red and yellow eyes. Raph felt his anger build up as tears formed in his eyes, but he held them back. "I'm gonna kill Shredder and Poison Heart for this!" he said in pure anger, but sounded broken. "They've gone too far!"

"Why did this have to happen?" Mikey asked as he stared at his brother's girlfriend's body. "Screwball has never done anything wrong. She doesn't deserve this!"

"This is all our fault." Kon said in sadness, "If we told you about our vision, Screwball wouldn't have been in this mess."

"How could we so useless!?" Juto said in sadness, "We should've been there for Screwball." Chikara said in sadness while Hisomi looked down in sadness.

Master Splinter laid a hand on Kon's shoulder. "Do not blame yourself, my friends." he said wisely, "None of us knew Poison Heart is back and was working with the Foot."

"It's not the Ninja Tribunal's fault, it's mine." Leo said in sadness as tears formed in his eyes, "I should've kept Screwball safe and I made a promise to her, but I have failed. I'm a terrible romantic partner now!"

"Do not say that, turtle san." the Ancient One said as he walked up to the blue masked turtle and laid a hand on his shoulder. "If anyone is go blame for the situation Screwball is in, it is Shredder and Poison Heart."

"He's right." Dinky said frowning. "Shredder and Poison Heart's the ones who tortured her. Screwball was only trying to protect you guys. Because she didn't want anything to happen to you. Even that means sacrificing herself."

"Dinky's right." Cinnamon Sticks said, "We should wait until Screwball wakes up.", "Screwball has suffered injuries both physical and spiritual." Thunder said, "And she will need the support from all of us if her wounds are to fully heal." Lighting said, "Not only her body is injured, but also her spirit too." Apple Blooosum said.

"They are correct." Master Splinter said, feeling sad. "All we can do now is pray for Screwball to be alright if her wounds are to fully heal."

Everyone just nodded, knowing there was no other option. Leo took one last look at Screwball with tears in his eyes.

"Please be okay, Screwball. Without you, I'm just a shadow." was all he said as he gently kissed her lips before walking off with everyone else.

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