Casey's Warning

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Casey was driving his motorcycle as fast as he could. He have to get to the lair and tell everyone what happened to Screwball. Especially Leo.

"Oh man, everybody's not going to like this." said Casey to himself. "Lucky for me, I videotaped the entire thing."

Soon enough, he had arrived at the lair where he saw the turtles, April, and Screwball's friends talking to Master Splinter, Ancient One, Ninja Tribunal, and Fluttershy. And from looks of it, they were telling them that they searched the entire city for Screwball.

"Okay, we searched every sewer tunnel, back street, and dark ally in the city." said April.

Donnie sighes and said, "The worst part is we don't even know if Screwball is alright.", "I. . . I don't even want to think about if she's hurt." said Mikey as he twirled his nunchucks.

"I still can't believe that Screwball's father tried to kill Leo." said Raph, "He's the best leader we could ever had. If anything happens to him, we'll have nothing left then. . ."

"Who are you calling nothing?" a voice from behind them.

The red masked turtle, the purple masked turtle, the orange masked turtle, Screwball's friends and her mother, and the red haired girl all looked over and saw the blue masked turtle standing near them with a smile on his face. He was trying his to ignore the pain he still felt on his face and arm.

"Leo!" Raph cried happily as he ran up to his brother and hugged him. "I thought we lost you."

"Hey careful." Leo said, wincing a bit. "I still have an injured arm here."

Raph realized the way he was acting and had instantly broke the hug. "Uh. . . You scared us." he said, trying to tough again. "We thought. . ."

"That you wouldn't make it." Mikey said worriedly, "It's okay everyone, I'm fine." Leo said, assuring them. "Any luck finding Screwball?"

"Nada in the sewers." said Mikey, "Nothing on the roofs etheir." said Donnie, "Or the junk yard. Lots of garbage and rats, but no Screwball." said April.

"No luck at the docks." said Thunder, "We've searched the entire city for her, no luck." said Dinky, "We check the rooftops, sewers, docks, allies, and the junk yard. Nothing." said Lighting.

"I've been scanning the police band for anything, like a kukunoichi sighting. Nothing at all." said Apple Bloosum, "We've been searching on foot, in the air, and on wheels. Zero sign of Screwball." said Cinnamon Sticks.

Everybody was worried about Screwball, Leo was the one who was mostly worried about Screwball. "We have to keep looking for her!" said Leo seriously, "Who knows what could happen to her if we don't."

"Leonardo's right." said Fluttershy seriously. "She could end up getting into trouble."

"She's already is in trouble!" Casey said as he ran up to them.

"Casey, what's up?" said Raph, "Screwball turned into a demon named Poison Heart and she joined the Foot Clan." said Casey as he explained.

Everybody was confused about what Casey said. "Screwball turned into a demon named Poison Heart and she joined the Foot Clan huh?" said Mikey, "This story wouldn't involve Santa Claus and the Easter bunny by any chance?"

"I got proof." said Casey as he took out his phone and play the video that Screwball is turning into a demon named Poison Heart and joining the Foot Clan, which causes everyone to get shock.

"Casey, when was the last time you saw her?" said Leo, "The last time I saw Screwball was at an old ally." said Casey as he explained, "She was really upset about what happened early, but not like sad upset, I mean really scary, angry, upset. And then all of a sudden, a dark sea green aura formed around her. It blinded me for a second. But when it quickly disappeared, Screwball had turned into Poison Heart."

"It can't be true." said Mikey, "It's impossible." said Donnie, "I don't believe it." said Raph, "No way." said Leo, "Please tell me you're joking." said Dinky, "That's gotta be a lie." said Lighting, "There's no way that could happen." said Thunder, "It's not possible." said Apple Bloosum, "It's unbelievable." Cinnamon Sticks, "Not my daughter." said Fluttershy, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, one at a time." said Casey.

"We have to save her!" said Raph seriously, "But we don't know anything about this 'Poison Heart.'" said Mikey, "I believe we do." said the Ancient One.

Everybody turned around and saw the Ancient One and Ninja Tribunal standing in front of them. "You do?" asked Leo, "Of course we do, Leonardo." said Kon,

"This beautiful but dangerous demon that consumed Screwball with her dark magic, she calls herself. . . Poison Heart." said Juto, "So named, she have the power to bring haterd and rage. But to maintain this power, she have to feed on the negativity and distrust of others." said Chikara, Hisomi explained by using his hands, "What did Hisomi said?" said Thunder, only to be whacked by the Master Splinter's walking stick in the head, "Ow!",

"Pay attention." said Master Splinter, "Hisomi said the more of this negative energy she consumed, the stronger her powers became and the farther she can spread her dark magic." explained the Ancient One.

"I don't think I like this story very much." said Fluttershy, "If Poison Heart have her way, she would've divided and conquer all of this world." said Kon, "But we managed to stop her by trapping her in the Sword of Tengu." said Juto, which causes the turtles to get shock and looked at each other.

"Yeah, about that." said Raph, "We sort. . . destoyed it to stop the Foot from using their technology." said Donnie, "Our bad." said Mikey.

"The Sword of Tengu was the only thing keeping Poison Heart trapped." said Chikara, "We didn't know." said Leo, "Now it's our fault that Poison Heart's free." said Donnie, "But why did she took control of Screwball?" said Dinky. Hisomi explaine why Poison Heart took control of Screwball.

"Dude, speak up please." said Thunder, only to be whacked again by Master Splinter's walking stick. "Ow, cut that out!" said Thunder, "Hisomi doesn't need to speak because he embodies the three pillars of ninjutsu: speed, secrecy, and silence." said Leo.

"How did you know if he didn't tell you?" said Lighting as she cross her arms, "The Ancient One told me." said Leo, "We still need to know why Poison Heart took control of Screwball." said Dinky. "Hisomi said that all the anger and rage inside of Screwball from her fights with her long-lost father must've attracted her." said the Ancient One.

"That could be possible since she feeds on the negativity and distrust of others." said Donnie. "Well, what are you waiting for, let's go save Screwball." said Thunder.

"You five will stay here in the lair." said Leo, "What, why not?" said Lighting, "Going battle to fight a dangerous demon and deadly ninja assassins will risk all of your life." said Kon, "All of you won't able to survive the Foot ninjas." said Juto, "Creating habit that will make it impossible to stop Poison Heart." said Chikara, "This is not your fight." said Master Splinter.

"Not our fight?!" said Lighting, "Look everyone, we may know any about the Foot Clan, but we would not leave on the ones we love." said Dinky.

"I sense all of you are represented the Elements of Harmony." said Master Splinter, "Of course we are, I'm the Element of Honesty, Cinnamon Sticks' the Element of Kindness, Thunder's the Element of Laughter, Apple Bloosum's the Element of Generosity, and Dinky's the Element of Loyalty. We would never leave out on our family and we're all family." said Lighting.

"She's right, we must hurry!" said Chikara as fear shown in her eyes. "If Poison Heart's taken over of Screwball, we save her."

Without any hesitation, everyone ran out of the lair and headed to the Foot empire. As he was running, all Leo could think of what would happen if Mothball would do to Screwball.

'Don't worry, Screwball.' the blue masked turtle thought as he saw the purple and white haired girl in his head. 'I will save you from the Foot Clan. And Mothball. No matter what it takes.'

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