Screwball's Rage

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Everyone was still shock and mad that Discord slashes Leo across the face with his own katana. He let his anger and rage get the best of him and slashed Leo. Screwball's true love.

He look at the faces of the turtles, Master Splinter, Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal. Leo is still in pain when his own katana slashed across his face. Donnie was trying to ten the wound while he, Raph, Master Splinter, Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal was giving Discord a death glare. And Mikey looked like he had just been betrayed by one of his brothers' girlfriend's father.

But Screwball had a face that had really shocked him. A face mixture of anger, hatred, and shock. She must really care about Leo if she's giving that look.

The purple and white haired girl had pulled away from the blue masked turtle and charged at the gray haired man, slapping him across the face, which mad him really shocked.

"How could you do this to him!?" she yelled furiously. "He's my romantic partner! He and his brothers help and protect me from danger! They even rescued you, mom, and Zany from the Foot ninjas! And this is what you do to them!? Yell at them!? Calling them hurtful names!? And slash Leo with his own katana!?"

"I. . . I. . ." Discord tried to speak, but he couldn't find the words. That had only cause another slap across his face.

"Why are you always acting like this towards them huh!? Ever since they rescued you and mom, you've been having this hatred towards them!" Screwball asked angrily. "Why do you hate them so much that you would slash Leo!?"

"Screwball, listen to me!" said Discord in anger. "Ever since me and your mother escaped from the place that those people who kidnapped us, we went back to the ally looking for you! But you disappeared from where your mother left you, and it was all that Ancient One who brought you to Japan!"

"He only did that because he knew I was scared and alone!"said Screwball in anger. "He and the Ninja Tribunal trained me to protect myself and look for my family that disappeared ten years ago!"

"That is exactly the point!" said Discord. "These mutants are just a bunch of useless, unneeded, worthless, ugly freaks who doesn't even belong in the real world! Especially that pathetic blue masked turtle, Leonardo."

Screwball gasped in shock when she heard this. "How could you say that!?" she said in anger. "He and his brothers took me to their home ever since I just arrived in New York City! They cared for me like I was a part of their family. They gave me a room for me to sleep. They even let me trained with Master Splinter. And they even made a promise to help look for my family! For you!"

"Screwball Fluttershy Draconequus, you listen to me this instant!" said Discord, "All of this ninja meaningless and pathetic honor has made you forgot who you are! You're supposed to be chaotic and have fun, not be fighting with this honor and pride nonsense!"

Screwball gasped in shock and slapped another slap across her long-lost father. This time it left a red mark on his cheek.

"That's because you didn't even get to know them!" Screwball yelled furiously. "You think that the turtles, Master Splinter, Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal are heartless people! But they're not! You don't even realize that underneath all the appearance you see from them is really a group of people who cares about me after you and mom were kidnapped by the Foot Clan, the exact same clan that Mothball is in and the exact same clan that the Shredder took away Hamato Yoshi away from Master Splinter!"

Discord gasped in anger and shock when he heard the name 'Mothball', which cause him to get even more angry. "Who is he!?" said Discord in anger. "Who is this 'Mothball' you're talking about!?"

"He used to be my best friend when we were little!" said Screwball. "I thought that he would never hurt anyone, but he hurt everyone! He tried to kill me and the turtles!"

"What!?" Discord said in shock. "This boy is perfect for you."

"What are you talking about!?" said Screwball in shock and horror.

"I'm saying this boy is the perfect one for you." said Discord. "He sounds normal and very handsome. This blue masked turtle is just a useless, unneeded, worthless, ugly freak who is incapable of feeling any. . ."

"But daddy, I love Leonardo!" said Screwball as she realized what she said.

"No." said Discord in shock. "Have you lost your mind!? He's a turtle, you're a human!"

"I don't care!" said Screwball as she snapped at her dad. "He loves me for who I am and his brothers and Master Splinter treated me like I was a part of their family!"

"That's it!" said Discord in anger. "With a heavy heart, I forbid you to be with these mutants ever again!"

Screwball couldn't believe it. Her father had forbid her to be with the turtles, Master Splinter, Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal again. This really brokes Screwball's heart as she began to cry.

"No! No!!!!" said Screwball between her cries. "Please don't do this to me, daddy!!! I love Leonardo!!!!"

"I have no other choice." said Discord, "But you are grounded for 1 month when we get home!"

"How could you do this to me!?" said Screwball, "You just ever understand how I feel!!!!! I can't believe why I'm even related to you!!!!"

With no other words, Screwball ran away in tears as she headed to the door. "Where are you going!?" said Discord in anger, "I'm not finished with you, young lady!"

"I'm finished!!!!" said Screwball in anger. "And I never want to see you again!!!!!"

As soon as she said that, Screwball ran towards the door and headed to the surface world. "Screwball Fluttershy Draconequus, you get back here this instant!" said Discord in anger.

"Let her go this time." said Master Splinter wisely, "She needs time to cool down.", "Don't you dare tell me want to do, rodent." said Discord.

"Hey, don't insult our master!" said Raph in anger. "You've been giving Screwball a hard time now you forbid her to be with us again!" said Donnie, giving Discord a death glare. "Come on guys, I can't stand being near Discord after what he did." said Mikey as he and his brothers walked away.

"Oh Screwball, my baby." said Fluttershy as she fell down to her knees and began to cry. "Donatello." said Master Splinter, looking at his purple masked son. "Take Leonardo to your lab and tend his wounds."

"Yes sensei." Donnie said as he helped his blue masked brother up on his feet and lend him to his lab.

"Michelangelo, Raphael." Master Splinter said, looking at his orange and red masked sons. "Stay here with Screwball's mother and friends until Leonardo is patched up. They may need some comfort."

"Yes, Master Splinter." Mikey and Raph said.

Master Splinter, the Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal walked out of the dojo to help Donnie patch up Leo. Mikey and Raph looked at Fluttershy and Screwball's friends and saw tears were forming in the light pink haired woman's sea green eyes while Screwball's friends have sad looks on thier faces. Not from the anger, but from the sadness.

"Why would my husband do this to my daughter's boyfriend?" she asked as she looked at the orange and red masked turtles. "I can trust you, your family, Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal because you took such good care of my daughter. But why wouldn't Discord trust you?"

"We all don't know why he would try to kill your brother, Leonardo." said Dinky as she and her friends looked at the orange and red masked turtles.

"We. . . We don't know, Mrs. Fluttershy." Mikey said sadly. "None of us know what made Discord snap like that."

The light pink haired woman began to cry in her knees. Mikey knelt down next to her and huggged her as a way to comfort her while Raph comforted Screwball's friends. Like they were their mother, brothers and sisters.

As he was hugging her, Mikey took out his shell-cell and had dialed April's number. He waited for a little while until she answered.

"Hey April." he greeted weakly. "Can you and Casey come over? We have sombody for you to meet. And something horrible has just happened.

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