If Only

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The next day, the turtles and Screwball told Master Splinter about what happened last night. Master Splinter knew that revenge will only lead to more pain and is never the answer.

"I'm telling you, sensei." said Leo, "This Mothball is really strong and powerful. We don't stand a chance against him, you should have seen him. It's impossible."

"My sons, you four have faced impossible odds in the past. And like David facing Goliath who overcame the challenge." said Master Splinter wisely.

"That's what my adopted father used to say." said Screwball, "Even though my uncles and aunt are pretty harsh, they still love me no matter what."

"Whoa, that's deep." said Mikey, "Mikey's right (for once). That is pretty deep." said Donnie, "Mothball will stop at nothing to destroy me, and I'm afraid he might destroy you as well." said Screwball.

"Look, we've been fighting monsters, mutants, aliens, and ninjas. Including the Shredder, I'm sure we'll protect you no matter what." said Leo.

"Thank you, Leonardo, that is very kind of you." said Screwball as she blushed lightly.  "You're welcome, Screwball." said Leo as he smiles.

"I believe what they say is true. True love comes in different shapes and sizes." said Master Splinter.

Both Leo and Screwball blushed when they heard the word "love". "Sensei, cut it out." said Leo.

"What, no harsh feelings my son." said Master Splinter as he chuckled a little. "Wow, Master Splinter." said Raph, "I didn't know you have a sense of humor."

"Me neither, Mikey?" said Donnie, "Negatory." said Mikey.

A few minutes later, everyone was doing their normal activities: Donnie was working on a project, Raph is punching the practice dummy, Mikey is playing video games, Master Splinter is meditating, Leo was practicing his sparing, and Screwball is reading a book.

Master Splinter saw Leo practicing his sparing, but he also see that Leo had a smile on his face. 'It appears that Leonardo had developed feelings for Screwball.' he thought to himself, 'I better ask him a few questions.'

"Leonardo, may I speak with you in the dojo alone?" said Master Splinter, "Yes, sensei." said Leo as he followed Master Splinter into the dojo, leaving the others confused.

"There he goes again." said Raph, "Talking to Master Splinter.", "What is it about this time?" said Donnie, "I've have absolutely no idea, bros. But it looks like about Screwball." said Mikey, "You could say that again." said Donnie.

In the dojo, Leo was sitting in front of Master Splinter to talk about what's on his mind. "My son." said Master Splinter, looking at his eldest son. "What seems to trouble you."

"Sensei." said Leo, looking up at his father and teacher. I don't know what to do. Ever since I first met Screwball, I've been feeling a special bond with her. I know that I have special bonds with my brothers and friends. But this is different, I think that . . .I may be . . .In love with Screwball. And I don't know how to deal with it.

"I see." said Master Splinter, understanding the situation. "It does take time to find that one person that truly loves you. My beloved Master Yoshi have been in this situation before when he fell in love with a girl named Tang Shen. And I have always hoped that one day, one of my sons would find their true love.

"But Master Splinter." said Leo, feeling a bit doubtful. "What if Screwball doesn't feel the same way?"

"It takes a bit of time to understand how one feels about another." said Master Splinter, laying a hand on his shoulder. "For now, you must hold on to hope that Screwball feels how you feel. If she doesn't, you must accept it. And if she does not, do not be afraid to show her how you feel. Just listen to your heart, my son."

The blue masked turtle felt more comfortable thanks to the mutant rat's words and smilied. "Thank you, father. If you or my brothers need me, I'll be on the rooftops."

"Alright, my son." said Master Splinter, "Be careful." As soon as Leo left the lair to the rooftops, he started to look at the stars. He sighed at bit.

"If only I can tell Screwball how I really feel about her." he said to himself. "If only I wasn't so shy. If only I can understand my feelings. If only. . .I knew what my heart is telling me."

Suddenly music began to play and he began to sing.

Leo: A million thoughts
In my head
Should I let my heart
Keep listening
Cause up till now
I've walked the line
Nothing lost
But something missing
I can't
What's wrong
What's right
Which way
Should I go
If only I knew what my
Heart is telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream
If only I could read the
Signs in
Front of me
I could find a way to
Who I meant to be
If only
If only
If only
Every step
Every word
With every hour
I am falling in
To something new
Something brave
To someone I
I have never been
I can't
What's wrong
What's right
Which way
Should I go
If only I knew what my
Heart is telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream
If only I could read the
Signs in
Front of me
I could find a way to
Who I meant to be
If only
Am I
We could happen
Will you
Still be
With me
When the magic's all run out
If only I knew what my
Heart is telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream
If only I could read the
Signs in
Front of me
I could find a way to
Who I meant to be
If only
If only
If only
If only
If only
If only

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