One Big Happy Family

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More days past and everything was alright. At the turtles lair, everyone was doing some family time: Donnie, and Dinky was working on a project, Raph and Thunder were wrestling while Cinnamon Sticks is the referee, Apple Blooosum and April were painting each other's nails, Mikey, Casey, and Lighting were play video games, Leo and Screwball were practicing their training, Master Splinter, Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal were in the dojo meditating, and Discord and Fluttershy were taking care of Zany.

"Woohoo, and the winner and still champion is. . . Michelangelo!" said Mikey as he won against the dark blue haired boy and red, orange, and yellow haired girl.

"Aw man, lost again." said Casey as he lost against the orange masked turtle, "Mikey, you're way too good." said Lighting.

There was a lot of commotion behind them and Mikey, Casey, and Lighting turned around and saw Thunder and Raph wrestling.

"You're going down, Bonehead." said Raph, "Now way, Dipstick." said Thunder, "Pukebrain.", "Geek.", "Dweeb.","Dork."

April and Apple Blooosum could only shake their heads. "Is your boyfriend always like this." asked April as she finished painting Apple Blooosum's left hand. "Sometimes, but that's why I love him." said Apple Blooosum.

"Great, now we have three hotheaded whackbags." said Donnie as he shake his head. "You know Thunder, he's sometimes like that." said Dinky.

"What hotheads." said Leo as he shake his head, "That's how Thunder is." said Screwball.

"Boys, you two can stop now." said Fluttershy as she cross her arms and raised her eyebrow. "Oh, sorry." said Raph as he got off of Thunder, "Sorry, Aunt Fluttershy." said Thunder as he got up.

"Everyone, gather around the dojo." said Screwball, "There is a story I should tell you about Master Splinter's master, Hamato Yoshi."

Everyone gather around and sat on the ground for Screwball to tell her story. "My adopted father, the Ancient One, told me a story all of you want to hear."

"Well, let's hear it." said Donnie, "It's a story. . . about a girl." said Screwball, "A girl, does she kick butt?" said Thunder, "Hush Thunder Dash." said Master Splinter as he hushed Thunder, "Please Screwball, continue."

"Okay, our story begins in Tokyo." said Screwball as she began her story.

Screwball: Way back in the early 1960s. Japan was still trying to get back on it's feet.

Mikey: After an attack from Godzilla?

Screwball: No, after it's defeat in World War 2. It wasn't uncommon to see orphaned children in the streets, begging for food and money.

Flashback: It was the early 1960s. Japan was still trying to get back on it's feet after it's defeat in World War 2. Orphaned children were having a hard time for people to give food and money. Two orphaned boys were in the streets, begging for food and money. One of the boys has black spiky hair and black eyes. He was wearing a green ragged shirt, dark green ragged jacket, gray ragged pants, and wore out shoes. His name is Hamato Yoshi. The other boy has black hair and black eyes. He was wearing a light brown ragged shirt, brown ragged jacket, gray ragged pants, and wore out boots. His name is Mashimi.

The both of them were begging for food, but they were having no luck. Mashimi nudged Yoshi as they saw an elderly man walking by. He has gray hair and beard and black eyes. He was wearing a Chinese hat and a green robe. His name was the Ancient One. As he walked by, a coin fell out and rolled towards the orphaned boys.

"Wow, five yen." said Yoshi as he picked up the coin, Mashimi shushed and said, "Yoshi, let's keep it.", "No Mashimi." said Yoshi, "That would not be right." said Yoshi as he walked over to the Ancient One. "Yoshi?" called out Mashimi as he growled and walked over to Yoshi.

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