The Rescue

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At the turtles lair, everyone was still waiting for Screwball to come back, and they were all worried about her. "Hey guys, I'm really starting to get worried. Screwball should have check in by now." said Mikey, "I know this is a first, but I'm thinking Mikey's right." said Donnie, "Master Splinter?" asked Raph, Master Splinter just sighed, "Go." he said.

"Geez, what if something really happened to her." said Mikey, "Let's rock and roll, boys." said Leo as he and his brothers gather their weapons and left the lair.

On the rooftops, the turtles was searching for Screwball to make sure nothing happened to her. As they did, they heard cries of pain. It was a sign they were close.

"Screwball!" Leo cried, knowing who it was.

"We're coming Screwball." Raph said seriously as they followed the screams. "Hang on."

Soon enough, they arrived at the place where the watertower fell and crashed the Shredder. They looked over and saw the purple and white haired girl down on her knees in front of the Shredder and Poison Heart. She was completely injured.

"I thought you were better than this, little girl." said Shredder evilly, "But you. You are just a pathetic little girl."

"I will never let you hurt my family." Screwball said a bit angrily as she looked up at the bladed man and shadowy woman. "They're everything to me. I would do anything to protect them! You will pay for what you did! I would even die for my family!"

"Well I think that can be arranged." Poison Heart said evilly, "Say goodbye little girl!"

Screwball just had close her eyes as she waited for the final blow. She knew this was going to be the end of her. Or so she thought.

Before Shredder and Poison Heart could do anything, a blue light beam was aimed at the bladed man and shadowy woman, causing them to be knocked down. "What!?" Shredder said in anger.

The turtles jumped down as they activated their powers and took thier weapons out. Their eyes glared at thier enemy with pure anger and hatred.

The purple and white haired girl opened her eyes and gasped when she saw her friends and romantic partner.

"Shredder, I guess we should have known we would meet again." Leo spoke out in pure hatred as he glared at his enemy. "And you're with Poison Heart."

"Ah the turtles." Shredder said, seeing his enemies. "I see you've arrived to save your friend. And if I'm not mistaken, the fearless leader's romantic partner."

"You're going to pay for what you did to my brother's girlfriend!" Raph said angrily as he prepared the Barai.

"You mean the worthless Screwball Fluttershy Draconequus?" the bladed man asked, looking at the purple and white haired girl who was coughing blood and weakly trying to get up.

"Don't you dare call her worthless!" Leo shouted as his eyes filled with anger and rage.

"Why not?" Poison Heart asked, smirking evilly. "She is worthless. A pathetic little girl."

"You monster!" Leo shouted furiously as he charged at Shredder and Poison Heart.

And just like that everyone began to fight. And they had to admit it was a really tough battle.

Shredder had gotta stronger since the last time they faced him. And was able to knock down three of the turtles.

But Leo wasn't giving up. He was going to stand tall and save Screwball. No matter what it takes.

He took out the Gunshin and use the powers it has at Shredder and Poison Heart. The bladed man and shadowy woman growled at the blue masked turtle. "I see you and your brothers have meet my son." Shredder said.

"Your son is exactly like you Shredder!" he shouted in rage, "He fights without honor, tries to kill Screwball, and what's worse is that you kidnapped her parents!"

Leo punched Shredder in the face and use the katas he use while using the Gunshin. Suddenly Shredder knocked him down, making him unable to move. "You're just annoying as the rest of them!" he shouted as he aimed his gauntlet at him. "Say goodbye turtle!"

Leo closed his eyes in fear. He wasn't ready to die. In fact he didn't want to die. He was too young.

He heard a sharp stab from the gauntlet, but he didn't feel any pain. He opened his eyes and gasped in horror to see Screwball was in front of him. And she took the hit for him.

"You. . . Will not. . . Lay a hand. . . Or blade. . . On my. . . Romantic. . . Partner!" Screwball shouted before she collapsed on the ground and passed out.

"Screwball!" Leo cried as he ran up to her and held her close.

The turtles gasped in horror when they saw the purple and white haired girl down. They all ran up to see if she was okay.

"On my god." Raph said in horror. "Is she okay?"

Donnie checked for a pulse and found one, but it was weak. "Her pulse is weak." he said in fear as he also listened to her heart. "But her heart is fibrillating."

"We have to get ber back to the lair!" Leo said as he pick up Screwball bride style. "Now!"

"Cowards!" Poison Heart said angrily. "You are not going anywhere! Face us!"

The bladed man and shadowy woman charged at them, preparing to kill them. But the purple masked turtle reaches in his pocket and took out a smoke bomb. "I got this guys!" he shouted as he threw it down, releasing a thick dark purple smoke, allowing them to escape. "No!" was all they heard as they got away, hoping that the purple and white haired girl was okay.

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