The Gift

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The next morning at the turtles's lair, Screwball started to wake up and saw Leo who was still asleep. "Wow, Leo looks so handsome when he's asleep." said Screwball as she blushed.

The she got out of the bed and went down to the kitchen to make everybody breakfast. Later, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, and Master Splinter woke up of the smell of breakfast.

"Whoa, something smells good." said Raph, "Which means Mikey didn't make it." said Donnie, "Uh, I'm right here." said Mikey, "It is coming from the kitchen." said Master Splinter

Master Splinter and the turtles went to the kitchen and saw Screwball making breakfast, "Oh, good morning, everyone." said Screwball, "Morning, Screwball, what'cha making?" said Raph

"I'm making pancakes for everyone since you haven't woken up yet." said Screwball, "I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all, Screwball." said Mikey, "Get it, it rhymes: all, Screwball. I crack me up.", Raph glared at Mikey and smack the back of his head, "OW!!!" cried Mikey

Leo got out of his room and went to the kitchen, he yawned. "Morning, everyone." said Leo as he rubbed his eyes, "Good morning, my son." said Master Splinter, "Come, please join us for breakfast."

Screwball came out of the kitchen with six plates of pancakes, "Wow, Screwball." said Donnie, "I didn't know you could cook."

"My adopted father taught me how." said Screwball as she pass down the pancakes. Mikey began to gobble down the pancakes, "Mmm, this is really good, Screwball." said Mikey with his mouth full, "Yeah, you really know how to cook." said Raph as he gobbled down his pancakes.

"So, one would think that table manners were a part of their training?" asked Screwball, "One would think." said Master Splinter

After breakfast, Screwball began to wash the dishes, "You know." said Mikey as he helped her washed the dishes, "You really didn't need to makes us breakfast."

"Oh, it's not that, it's just you're like a family to me." said Screwball as she dries the plates, "Since I have to leave my home, Japan, I wanted to give you the generosity you showed since I was taken to your home."

As soon as the dishes were finished, everyone started doing their activities: Donnie was in his lab, Raph is lifting weights, Mikey is reading his comic book, Leo was practicing his sparing, and Screwball is meditating.

"Hey, Leo." said Mikey from behind Leo and Leo jumped a bit.

"Mikey, never to that again, you almost gave me a heart attack." said Leo as he holds his hands to his chest.

"Oh, sorry bro, I was just walking by and saw you thinking about something." said Mikey, "Yeah, or should I say someone." said Raph, "Are you still thinking about Screwball?" said Donnie

"Yeah, well apparently she's so nice to us and well, I'm trying to think of a perfect gift for her, but I just don't know what to give her." said Leo as he feels upset.

"Just leave it to us bro." said Raph as he punched Leo's arm playfully, "Yeah, we have your back, dude." said Mikey, "I think I know the perfect gift you should give to her." said Donnie

"Well, let's hear it, Brainiac." said Raph. Then Donnie started to lean to Leo and whisper to him on what gift that Leo should give to Screwball. Then after he explained his gift plan, apparently that got Leo interested.

"It's perfect, Don." said Leo, "But wait, how are we going to get the supplies and decor for it?", " I'll called April to get the supplies and do you really want Screwball to sleep on the couch?" said Raph, "Leo, face it she needs to be comfortable." said Donnie

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