Defeating Poison Heart Part 2

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As soon as the light went down, the turtles and Screwball had transformed into dragons. Dragon Leonardo was green with blue armor on his body, Dragon Donatello was green as well with purple armor on his body and without any back legs he had a single tail, Dragon Raphael is green too with red armor on his body and without any back legs he had two tails, Dragon Michelangelo was also green with orange armor on his body. But Dragon Screwball was pink with purple and pinkish purple armor on her body.

Poison Heart was both shock and furious at the sight of the Five Dragons, "Dragons!?" she asked angrily, "It's impossible! I will not be defeated again!"

Poison Heart used her powers and blast at the Dragon turtles and Dragon Screwball, only for them to breath blue, purple, red, orange, and pinkish purple fire at the blast.

"There is no reason to fear these tiny manifestions." the shadowy woman said in anger as she used all of her powers to transform herself into a dragon as well. She was dark purple with black and sea green armor and her eyes are still evil pink. She was now known as Dragon Poison Heart.

"Remember, everyone." Dragon Leonardo said in each other's head, "We have to separate her tiara and bracelets. Then she won't have any power left."

"I'm with you, Fearless Leader." Dragon Michelangelo said in each other's head, "Let's do this!" Dragon Raphael said in each other's head, "We can do this if we work together." Dragon Donatello said in each other's head, "We will always fight with honor and pride." Dragon Screwball said in each other's head.

The Five Dragons began charge at the Dragon Poison Heart as she began to breath sea green fire at the city, it was a battle of the history. Dragon vs Dragon. Dragon Donatello and Dragon Michelangelo began to breath fire at the Dragon Poison Heart, which cause her to hit the two dragons.

Dragon Leonardo breath blue fire at the Dragon Poison Heart, causing her to hit a building. But she was a very powerful demon, it was getting intense.

Dragon Poison Heart began to breath fire at Dragon Leonardo and hit him, but Dragon Screwball came to his rescue and breath pinkish purple fire at the Dragon Poison Heart.

Dragon Raphael and Dragon Michelangelo began to breath fire at the Dragon Poison Heart, causing her to screech in pain. She won't get beaten again, not by dragons.

Dragon Leonardo began to scratch the Dragon Poison Heart as Dragon Raphael and Dragon Donatello tied her with their tails and tossed her to hit the ground.

Dragon Donatello began to breath purple fire at the Dragon Poison Heart, until she blocked it with sea green fire.

Dragon Screwball began to focus her powers again as she glow purple and started to drained the Dragon Poison Heart's powers from her body. She began to screech in pain as her powers slowly drained from her body.

While she was getting weak, Dragon Michelangelo began to breath orange fire at the Dragon Poison Heart. But she blocked it with sea green fire and hit him hard, causing him to fall to the ground.

Dragon Raphael flew down to his rescue and caught him before he could hit the ground. Dragon Screwball was still draining the Dragon Poison Heart's powers from her body until she was hit by sea green fire, causing her to screech in pain.

But Dragon Leonardo couldn't bear to see his girlfriend in trouble as he came to her rescue and breath blue fire at the Dragon Poison Heart. He turned around to see his beloved was a little bit injured and nuzzled her with his nose.

Dragon Screwball looked up and gently kissed his cheek, causing him to blushed red. Dragon Donatello roared in alarm to call out to his brother, they both nodded and flew to the battle. 

Dragon Screwball began to focus more and drained the powers from the Dragon Poison Heart again, causing her to screech in pain even more. Slowly her powers began to drained from her body, the Five Dragons began to breath fire at the Dragon Poison Heart. Until sooner or later, Poison Heart was reverted to her human form.

"No!" she said angrily, "I will have my revenge! I must win! I always get what I want!" Dragon Leonardo grabbed her with his back legs and tossed her to Dragon Raphael, who hit her with one of his tails, causing her to hit the wall.

The shadowy woman growled with anger and rage as she looked at her right wrist, only to find that her spiky bracelet was gone. She looked over and saw her bracelet as Dragon Michelangelo pick it up and crushed it, making it disappeared.

"No!" she cried in anger, "My bracelet! No!", Dragon Michelangelo charge at Poison Heart and grabbed her with his mouth and tossed her to Dragon Donatello, who hit her with his wings.

Poison Heart got up to see that her other bracelet on her left wrist was gone as well. Dragon Raphael pick it up with his mouth and crushed it, making it disappeared. He charge at the shadowy woman and grabbed her with his tails and tossed her to Dragon Leonardo, who hit her with his claws, causing her tiara to fall off her head.

Poison Heart looked in horror as her tiara was stomped on Dragon Screwball, making it disappeared. All of a sudden, the turtles and Screwball began to transform back into their normal forms.

The powers inside of them began to unleashed a bright yellow light, causing the Amulets of the Acolyte to glow brighter than ever.

From the blue, purple, red, orange, and pinkish purple light combining together to form the spirit of Hamato Yoshi, causing Poison Heart to get shock as she got up on her feet.

"I will fight you to my very last breath!" she said angrily, "This demon is your very last breath!" Hamato Yoshi said seriously as he charged at the shadowy woman and slashed her with his katana.

"No!" Poison Heart shouted as the katana hit her, destroying her once and for all. The spirit of Hamato Yoshi looked at the turtles and Screwball as he smiled at them, "You have all made me proud." he said before disappearing in thin air. 

The turtles and Screwball fell down unconscious, but they knew that the world was saved.

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