Not Alone

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It has now been three weeks and Screwball still hasn't woken up. This was starting to scare everyone. They were beginning to think that Screwball was gone for good.

But Leo wasn't giving up hope. He feels that Screwball is still fighting to come back to her family. To her friends. And to him.

In the lab, the blue masked turtle was watching over the purple and white haired girl.

"Three weeks." he said sadly, "It's been three weeks and she atill hasn't woken up. And. . . I still feel like this was my fault."

Leo felt a bit shaken up as he remembered what happened. "I could've been strong for her." he said to himself while looking down. "I could've made sure Shredder and Poison Heart didn't find her. But instead I let her took the blade for me and now she's badly hurt. With a possibility of never waking up."

As he said that, he punched a wall, not caring of the pain it gave her. "How could I let her down!?" he asked himself in a bit of anger. "How could I allow her to get hurt like this!? How could I be so useless!?"

The blue masked turtle instantly began to cry as he looked at the girl he loves. "Please wake up Screwball." he said sadly, "I need you. I. . . I love you."

Suddenly an ide came into his head. "Wait a minute." he said in shock, "Maybe it takes more than just talking to her. Maybe I should try singing to her."

Leo instantly took a deep breath and looked at Screwball. "Screwball." he said softly, "This is a aong that I hope will help you come back to me. And your family and friends. It's called. . . 'Not Alone'."

As he said that, music began to play and he began to sing.

Leo: Slowly  fading away
You're lost and so afraid
Where is the hope
In a world so cold
Looking for a distant light
Someone who could save a life
You're living in fear
That no one will hear your cries
Can you save me now
I am with you
I will carry through it all
I won't leave you
I will catch you
When you feel like letting go
Cause you're not
You're not alone
Your heart is full of
Broken dreams
Just a fading memory
And everything's gone
But the pain carries on
Lost in the rain again
When in the rain again
When arms of relief
Seem so out of reach
But I
I am here
I am with you
I will carry through it all
I won't leave you
I will catch you
When you feel like letting go
Cause you're not
You're not alone
And I will be your hope
When you feel like it's over
And I will pick you up
When your whole world shatters
And when you're finally in my arms
Love has a face
I am with you
I will carry through it all
I won't leave you
I will catch you
When you feel like letting go
Cause you're not
You're not alone
And I will be your hope
You're not alone
And I will pick you up
And I will be your hope
And I will be your hope
Slowly fading memory
You're lost and so afraid
Where is the hope
In a world so cold

When he finished singing, Leo heard a soft groan which caught his attention. "Screwball?" he spoke out hesitantly as he looked at the purple and white haired girl.

"N-No. . . F-Fear. . . Leonardo?" a weak voice spoke out with another groan after it.

As that voice was suddenly heard after three long agonizing weeks, Screwball finally opened her eyes, hitting the blinding light. She squinted a little bit until she managed to see the turtle she loves in front of her.

"Screwball!" Leo cried happily as he hugged her gently with tears of happiness running down his face. "You're okay!"

"Leo." Screwball spoke out weakly, feeling a bit of pain. "Can't. . . Breath. . ."

Leo instantly realized what he was doing and pulled away. "Sorry." he said quickly and smiled. "I'm just so glad you're okay. I thought you were gone."

Screwball just smiled weakly and chuckled lightly. "I was, but you brought me back. All of my friends and family. Besides you can't take a ninja down that easily."

Suddenly the turtles, Ancient One, Ninja Tribunal, Screwball's friends and family came to see what was going on. When they saw their friend and family member finally awake, their eyes widen in shock and happiness.

"No way." Donnie said in amazement when he saw this.

Screwball looked at her friends and family and just smiled. "Hello, my family." she greeted weakly.

"Screwball, my baby!" Discord cried as he ran up to his daughter and hugged her a bit too hard. "You're back!" Fluttershy said happily, "I thought we lost you." Dinky said in happiness, "Turns out we didn't." Cinnamon Sticks said in amazement, "I knew she was going to be okay." Thunder said simply, "You got that right, bro." Lighting said simply, "We will never lose you again, ever." Apple Bloosum said in happiness.

"Daddy." Screwball spoke out in between her breaths. "You're choking me. Ow. It hurts."

"We got you, our little lotus blossom." Kon said as they all helped the purple and white haired girl up. "Let us help you." Juto said, "You fought your way back, Screwball." Chikara said happily while Hisomi just smiled.

"You have done well, my daughter." the Ancient One said wisely, "Thank you, sensei." Screwball said happily.

"You're gonna be okay, Screwball." Leo said a bit softly s he wiped his tear away. "I promise you that." 'My wish came true.' he thought very happily. 'My Beloved Kunoichi is back.'

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