Darkness Unleashed

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Screwball has been running for 10 hours after the argument with her dad. She stopped to catch her breath and tooked out her mother's locket and opened it up. As soon as she opened it, she looked at the photo of her parents and listened to her father's lullaby as she fell to her knees and began to cry.

"Why would my long-lost father do this?" she asked weakly as her voice cracked. "Why would he try to kill Leo with his own katana? It's not fair."

Suddenly as she was crying, the purple and white haired girl's sadness turned to anger. And that anger quickly turned into rage as she gripped the locket.

"I don't want this to happen again!" she said furiously as her tears turned to anger as they ran down her face. "I want the turtles to be accepted by daddy! I want them to be loved by daddy! I want daddy to treat them the way I want them to be treated!"

Screwball screamed in anger as she began to kick and punch everything. She even used her tessen to let her anger out.

Little did she know was that Casey was watching her from his hiding place. 'Oh no, Screwball.' he thought to himself worriedly. 'Don't let your anger out.'

After about 5 minutes, Screwball stopped what she was doing and was breathing heavily from anger. At the same time, the dark sea green aura began to form around her.

"I want daddy to pay for what he's done to me." she said bitterly as she thought about her dad who have yelled at her. "He have hurt me and the turtles for too long."

The purple and white haired girl growled as she looked into the sky. "I want revenge." she said as her voice turned dark.

Inside of the purple and white haired girl's head, a voice was laughing evilly. 'Yes Screwball.' said the voice evilly, Show them that you are the 'Angel of Darkness.'

Soon enough as she was heard, music began to play and Screwball began to sing.

Screwball: Angel of Darkness
Angel of Darkness
The world is in my hand
But I will fight until the end
Angel of Darkness
Angel of Darkness
Won't follow my command
But I will fight for my revenge
When darkness falls
Pain is all
The angel of darkness
Will leave behind
And I will fight
The love is lost
Beauty And light
Have vanished
From garden of delight
The dreams are gone
Midnight has come
The darkness is our
New kingdom, yeah
Angel of Darkness
Angel of Darkness
The world is in my hand
But I will fight until the end
Angel of Darkness
Angel of Darkness
Won't follow my command
But I will fight for my revenge

Soon enough, Screwball began to grow sea green siren wings and pony ears on top of her head, her clothes turned into a dress which contains a black mini strapless tank top and a maroon skirt that reaches to her knees, a blueish green necklace that covers most of her neck, and purple boots that goes almost all the way to her legs, her hair turned into short and black with a little greenish blue tips, on her forehead was a mini golden crown with a blood colored ruby and a pink gem, and on one of her wrist is a black bracelet with spikes all over and the other wrist is a blue glove without the fingers and a purple bracelet with a single blue line. Her eyes also turned into evil pink. Screwball has turned into a demon named Poison Heart.

Poison Heart: Hunt goes on
Deep in the night
Time to destroy
Down on their knees
You can't hide from the
Eternal darkness
Until their last breath
I will fight
I will fight
I will fight
I will fight
Now realize the stars
They die
Darkness had fallen in paradise
But I'll be strong
And I will fight
Against the ones who
Broke my heart
Angel of Darkness
Angel of Darkness
The world is in my hand
But I will fight until the end
Angel of Darkness
Angel of Darkness
Won't follow my command
But I will fight for my revenge

When she finished singing, Poison Heart laughed evilly. "Screwball Fluttershy Draconequus is no more." she said proudly. "I am. . . Poison Heart!"

At the Foot empire, Mothball and Karai was sitting in the Shredder's throne, waiting for Hun for the message. Suddenly the door opens and the blond haired man had arrived. He walked up to his Master's son and daughter and bowed down to them.

"Master Mothball, Mistress Karai." he said very seriously.  We have a special guest to join the Foot Clan."

"And the results, Hun?" Mothball asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Hun just looked up witb an evil smirk on his face. "And she's gonna betrayed her own family." he said evilly. "May I introduce you to our new member of the Foot. Screwball Fluttershy Draconequus. Or as she now calls herself. Poison Heart."

At that cue, Poison Heart had arrived with an evil smirk on her face. "Greetings. . . Master Mothball, Mistress Karai." she greeted evilly.

Mothball and Karai smirked evilly that their plan worked. The purple and white haired girl's anger and rage had taken control of her body to join them.

"Greetings. . . Poison Heart." Mothball simply greeted as he shook her hand. "We are honored to have join the Foot Clan." said Karai evilly.

"The pleasure is all mine." Poison Heart said, laughing evilly a bit.

What they didn't know was Casey, who had secretly followed Screwball when she ran past him quickly, saw the whole thing and was in complete horror as he recorded the entire thing on his phone. He quickly ran off as fast as he could to do the one thing he knew he had to do. Tell the turtles, Master Splinter, Screwball's adopted family, her real family and her friends.

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