Morning Exercise

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It is early in the morning, Screwball was already up and was wearing her aromr and she prepares to leave for her daily training exercises while everyone was asleep. Until she was stop by a voice from behind her.

"Your morning training, my daughter." a voice said from close by, Screwball turned around and saw the Ancient One, "Yes sensei, while the city's still quiet." Screwball said simply.

"Your discipline is commendable, Screwball." the Ancient One said wisely, "Have a good run, but I trust you are not thinking of going back to scout the Foot empire alone?"

"Why would I do that?" Screwball asked, "Just because the Foot clan brainwashed me into joining them, so I was forced to be captured by them like a prisoner?"

"You asked a question that is not a question." the Ancient One said wisely, "If we are to succeed against our foes, we will need to act together as a team, not as rash individuals."

"I understand, Ancient One." said Screwball simply, "I am curious though. With Poison Heart and the Shredder gone, what are the Foot ninjas up to?"

The Ancient One laid a hand on Screwball's shoulder, "Patience, my daughter." he said simply, "I have a feeling we will find out all too soon."

The Ancient One walked away and turned around to see Screwball gone. Then he sat down on the chair.

Screwball was running on the rooftops. Until she stop to do her kata. After 30 minutes of ninja training, she sat down and catch her breath.

"Wow, the city is so peaceful in the early morning." she said to herself, "Better check the allies.", Screwball started to get up and ran to one of the allies, only to see nothing.

"All clear here." Screwball said simply as she sat down and began to focus on her avatar. Soon enough, she began to glow purple and all of a sudden, a purple and pink dragon appeared from her body.

So Screwball opened her eyes as she got up, then she unleashed her tessen and practice to use it in a fight. "I must focus on my inner strength." she said to herself. "Finding balance in everything."

Screwball use a little bit of her powers to create a hologram of herself. "Do you wish to engage in combat?" the hologram said, "Let this be the perfect battle." said Screwball as she tossed out a sword, "You've already made a mistake by challenging me." the hologram said, "We should let our weapons decide." said Screwball as she laughs a bit.

Suddenly the hologram's eyes turned red, " Convincing duo." the hologram said as it charges at Screwball with the sword, but she quickly blocked which caused a strong breeze.

The weapon clashes against each other. Just as the hologram was about to stike, Screwball jumped in the air and did a backflip.

After 20 minutes training with the hologram, Screwball was manage to deafet it. Meaning her ninja skills was getting better and better.

"Well, that was easy." said Screwball as she puts away.

Then she use her powers again to create four holograms of the Ninja Tribunal. "Do you wish to engage in combat?" the hologram of Kon said, "Yes, let's make it a fair fight." said Screwball, "You have made a mistake for challenging us." the hologram of Juto said, "We'll see about that." Screwball said simply, "Challenge accepted." the hologram of Chikara said.

Then the holograms began to charge at Screwball and their weapons collide with each other, the hologram of Kon was about to strike Screwball, but she impaled it and it suddenly disappeared.

The hologram of Juto charge at Screwball and was about to strike her until she impaled it and it suddenly disappeared. There were only two holograms left and they were Chikara and Hisomi. They both charge at Screwball and was about to strike her until she jumped in the air and impaled them both as they disappeared.

"My skills are getting better than ever." said Screwball, "Now time for the blind fighting.", the purple and white haired girl took out a purple blindfold and wrapped it around her eyes. She use her powers again to create four holograms of the turtles.

"Do you wish to engage in combat?" the hologram of Leo said, "Yes I have." Screwball said simply, "You have made a mistake for challenging us." the hologram of Donnie said, "I don't think so." said Screwball, "You have accepted the challenge." the hologram of Raph said, "Make the best ninja win." said Screwball, "Challenge accepted, prepare for battle." the hologram of Mikey said.

The holograms unleashed their weapons and they cornered Screwball from escaping. But even with a blindfold over her eyes, Screwball manage to impaled them all. Then she use her powers again to create ten holograms of Foot Ninjas.

"Focus on my inner strength and power." she said to herself, "Everything I think about this world, about myself, even about reality. Fighting and sacrifice of everything I have."

One of the holograms charge at Screwball and was about to strike her until she impaled it and it suddenly disappeared. More of the holograms charge at Screwball, but even if she's outnumbered, Screwball was manage to impaled them all.

"I must focus on my inner strength and power." she said to herself, "The three most important traits of the ninja are speed, stealth, and honor. There is no honor of keeping secrets from me."

Screwball sat down and began to focus on her avatar again. Soon enough the purple and pink dragon appeared from her body again, meaning that her powers are getting stronger.

All of a sudden, the purple and white haired girl began to float in the air and transform inro her dragon avatar. She is now known as Dragon Screwball.

She look at herself and smiled as she knew that she was reaching to the Ninja Tribunal's level. She is barely even human at all. She turning into something other than a warrior.

The Screwball turned back to her normal self, "Wow, I did it." she said to herself happily, "I actually turned into my avatar! I knew I was stronger than ever!"

Then all of a sudden, she felt a breeze close by. Screwball turned around and saw the Foot Ninjas. She gasped at the sight of the Foot ninjas.

"Oh no." she said to herself, "This is not good."

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