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(Y/n) POV

I woke up in a hard cot. "Ugh", I said sitting up. 'OW!!! My head!'. "Oh! Dear, your awake! How do you feel?" Said a kind voice of a goat lady.

"Oh! I'm fine miss

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"Oh! I'm fine miss..?"I say. "Its Miss Toriel" 'Miss Toriel' said. I smiled. "Um. Miss Toriel? Wait period is it?" I ask getting up. The room spun for a second but stopped soon. "Oh! Its 5 minutes into 3rd. Here my child let me write you a pass", she said writing down a note then handing it to me. "Oh! Thank you! I should get going now", I said walking to the door. "Are you sure you don't want to rest my child"? She said when I was in the doorway. I turned to face her. "I'm fine thank you! And the names (y/n)!" I said walking down to gym.

~time skip to Gym Class!! Yay!~

I walked in to the gym teacher yelling. He looked at me and walked over to me and looked like he was about to yell at me for an hour, but I quickly handed him the note. He read it and sighed. "Go SiT DoWN", he said walking back in front of the class. I quickly speed walked and sat next to a skeleton and a yellow dinosaur. They were talking quietly. "Ok ClASs ToDay we WiLl TakE iT eAsy AnD PLay DoDge BaLl", said the teacher. I heard the skeleton sigh as him and his friend walk to one side of the gym. I looked at both sides. Easy difference one side was jocks the other nerds. I felt somewhat nice and walked over to the nerd side. Besides I did not want to be on a team with the losers that tried to beat me up. ( ok I can't do the glitched voice for error! Its too hard!) "Ok maggots! You know how this works! You can challenge people! Who ever falls over the line in a challenge loses!" He finished a summary of the rules and then yelled 'start'.

~time skip to when it only you and PJ! >w<

I was dodging balls left and right, and so was PJ. Neither of us had even broke into a sweat. "Hey loser! How 'bout a challenge?" I yell over. Throwing a ball and dodging two. "Sure! But your the one who's gonna lose"! He said he stopped throwing and walked up to the line. I made sure there was no cheating and walked up. The nerds were yelling my name and jock were yelling 'PJ'. 'So. That's this losers name' I though as we held each others hand tight. "3. 2. 1!" PJ yelled as we both pulled. He pulled me a little, I pulled him a little, he pulled me, I pulled him. And 'thud'! Pj lost his footing and fell face first. I almost but caught my balance. He nerds rushed all around me. I looked over Pj was still on the floor groaning. I walked through the crowd of nerds over to him. "Need a hand there?" I said smirking as I reached out my hand. I honestly didn't think he would take it. But he did.

Pj's POV

Me and the new kid were in a challenge. 'I can't believe I lose my footing I fell on my face!' I heard all the nerds cheering. 'I don't care. My head is spinning' Then I heard her voice. "Need a hand there?" She asked I could tell she was smirking. I slightly got up and grabbed her hand. I could tell she was surprised I took the offer. She helped me up but my skull felt like it was gonna split in two. I fell into her arms. 'Dam! Why can't I stand properly. My head hurts'

(Y/n) POV

I helped Pj up, butt (<u< Lol) he fell into me arms. I could tell I was blushing slightly. The room filled with whispers. "You ok"? I asked softly. "M-my head", he whispered back. "Can you even walk?" I asked softly again. "W-with h-help", he said weakly. 'Damn! He's really hurt! Well, back to the nurse!' I think lifting him so his arm is over my shoulders and I'm supporting him. Teach walked over. "Pj? You ok?" He said I heard slight worry in his voice. Pj stayed quited. I don't think he can speak any more. "May I help him to the nurse?" I say looking down at him to make sure he's still awake. "Of course! Here" he hands me a slip to the nurse. "You ready?" I asked Pj. He slightly nods. Very one was whispering as I slowing helped him out of the down a few halls to the nurse. We were half way down to the nurse when the bell rang. To our luck our way to the nurse was clear. We slowly made it to the nurse. But when we got there Miss Toriel was out on lunch break! 'Be back in 30 minutes!?' "Ugh", I said. Then PJ just fell. He blacked out. 'Welp forgive me' I grabbed a hair pin that I always have and picked the lock to the nurse .I shut the door and locked it back the lights from the hall gave enough light to see. I picked PJ up and layer him down on one of the cots. The one next to it was e one I was on. The blanket that they had me use was still on it. I picked it up and layer it on him. I got a ice pack from the small fridge in corner. I set it on his had and went into the hand book at the office gave me when I first got my classes. I looked up Miss Toriel's number. I finally found it I turned on the lights and texted Miss Toriel.
(Y-you. T-toriel)
Y- Miss Toriel?
T-yes? Who is this?
Y- its (y/n). I need your help in your office
T- I'm on my way what happened my child?
Y- Pj fell on the floor and hit his head. I helped him walk down here but when we did he passed out
T- oh dear! I'll be there in 2 minutes! Watch over him. Won't you my child?
Y- of course!

I put my phone away and walked back and sat at the edge of his cot. He started to move. I looked over at him. "M-my head" he groaned. "How ya' feeling?" I asked softly kneeling be the top of the cot so he didn't have to move. "Horrible, where are we?" "The nurses office, I had to pick the lock but Miss Toriel will be here soon", I said his eyes went wide for a second. "You picked the lock?" He said. "Yeah. Miss Toriel was gonna be gone for 30 minutes and you passed out", I said looking at the clock. "How long was I out?" He said. "10 minutes", I said just as Miss Toriel ran through the door. She pretty much shoved me aside and gave Pj a full check up while she had me wait in the waiting area. About 15 minutes later Miss Toriel came out with pj. He had a bandage wrapped around his skull. 'Ring Ring. Ring' the bell went off. "Are you sure you'll be ok pj?" Miss Toriel said as pj walked back over to me. "Yes  Toriel! I'll be fine!" He assured her. I checked my classes. "Darn! I missed lunch!" I say. "Huh! Me too!" Said pj. "Since you both passed out today how 'bout you to go home early?" Miss Toriel said. "Really?!" I say a smile spreading a crossed my face. "Of course my children! But you should stay together!" She said writing us notes. "Damn knew there was a catch" I whispered to myself. "What don't want to spend a day with me?" He said smirking. "I don't get to choose" I said. Miss Toriel came back and handed us both are passes.

Hi guys! Hope your enjoying the story!
And no it not turning into a pj x reader book! I just wrote what
Came to mind! Anyway hope your having a great day! Boi!
(Word count -1383)

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