Pallet!?! (And a/n)

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I sit back down blushing slightly. Just then Dreams phone rang. He answered it.

Dreams POV

"Hello?" I answered. "Dad! *sniff* Can you come pick me *sniff* up?" The voice said. It was pallet! "Ok! I'll be there in a few! The field right?" I said worriedly. "Y-*hic* yeah" he said back. He's crying...! I hung up.


"Ok! I need everyone to please leave!" Dream said. "Ok!" Everybody said and left leaving me nightmare and Dream in the living room. "What's wrong bro?" Nightmare asked. "Pallet needs me to pick him up... H-he was crying..." He said grabbing his keys. "WHAT!?!" Me and nightmare say at the same time. "Yes.." He said. "I'm coming! He's my friend!" I say following Dream out the door. "Ok. Let's go" he said getting in the car. I hopped in after him. He drove us to the field. Was he pulling the car up when I saw pallet walking towards us with his eyes (sockets) all puffy and crying. I didn't even wait for dream to park the car. I opened the door and ran to pallet. I hugged he tight but not too tight. "Y-y/n!" He said sobbing hugging me back as his legs fell from under him and he and me fell to the ground still hugging. Dream ran up to us. "Pallet what happened?" He said. "I-I tried a n-new t-trick for c-cheer and I-I fell- a-nd everybody l-laughed and s-said I wasn't a g-good captain!!" He cried out. I rubbed his back soothing him. "I bet your a great captain! To even prove it, would you be ok with me joining?" I ask pulling him away to look at me. "R-really!?" He asked cracking a smile. "If you want me to- ugh!" I got tackled hugged by pallet then lifted off the ground and spun around by pallet. Only to be set back on my feet and hugged tightly. "Ugh! Pallet! C-can't breathe!" I say as he let's go blushing. I blush as well. "Ok lovebirds~ let's go home~!" Dream said causing our blush to worsen. "Mr. Dream/Dad!" We both say at the same time. He laughed. "Hey y/n? Wanna try out some cheer moves?" He said. "Sure!" I say. "Awesome!" He said pulling me on to the empty field. I giggled as he pulled me along. "Ok! Can you do a cartwheel?" He said. "Um, you do one first!" I say. "Ok!" He said doing one and landing perfectly. "Your turn!" Pallet said. "Ok!" I say copying his moves. "Wow! That wasn't good!" Pallet said. "O-oh ok-" "it was amazing!!!" He said he's stars eyes growing bigger. "Thanks!" I say my blush growing again.

I tried to make this a little bit longer~ but it's not really that long! And I'm sorry for not updating I've been busy packing up bcuz I'm gonna be moving soon. So pls be patient with me!
Hope u enjoyed!
Have a great day!!!

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