Surprise kiss!

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Dream called out to us, saying he had to go somewhere and to call when were read to go home. "Ok!" We called back. We practiced more moves for close to an hour or so. "Wow y/n! Your really good at this!!!" Pallet said he starry eyes sparking in the sun set. I looked over a crossed the field to see the sun set. I gasped. "It's amazing...!" I say to myself. "It really is..." Pallet said sitting next to me putting an arm around me. I blushed a bit. I leaded onto his shoulder as we watched to sun go down and turn into a dark purple twilight sky with a field of stars. "Pallet shouldn't you call your dad?" I ask looking at him. "In a few I want to enjoy looking at this sight for a few more minutes" he said smiling at me. I giggled. "Why don't you look at the stars?" I ask turning to him fully. "Why would I? I'm looking at the most beautiful one" he said a slight tint of blush on his cheeks. My blush meter rose a bit. "That was cheesy" I say looking away blushing. He grabbed my chin making me look at him. "It's true" he said blushing.

Pallets POV

I grabbed y/n chin having her look at me. "It's true" I say. Her face turns a deep shade of red and I lean in an close the gap from our faces. 'I. Just. Kissed. Her............' I quickly pulled away blushing.


Pallet kissed me. Then pulled away blushing crazily a he stood up saying "I'm sorry!! I'm a horrible friend!!" He said trying to walk away. I quickly went after him. I hugged him around his ribs. "No. No your not!... But do you really like me? Or was that some stupid dare? Either way a don't care" I say holding a bit tighter. "I-...I really like you... It's ok if you for feel the same! I just want to stay friends..." He said. "I will always be your friend! And I don't know what to feel right now though-" I was cut off by pallet spinning me around off the ground. "It's ok! Take your time! But I'll always be your friend!" He said. "Yay!" I shouted hugging him over his shoulders and around his neck. "Should I call my dad now?" He said laughing. "Yeah~!" I said laughing with him.

Dreams POV

It was getting late and I still haven't gotten a call form pallet yet. Just as I was about to call him, my phone rang. "Yes?" I said hastily. "H-hey dad!" Pallet said laughing. In the background I swear I hear y/n laughing too. "Hey Mr. Dream!" She greeted. "Ready for me to pick you guys up?" I said laughing from them laughing. "Yup!" They both said making them laugh harder. "Ok! I'll be there soon!" I say hanging up on the crazy teens. "Kids" I sigh laughing a bit. Going out to my car going to pick them up.

Hope u enjoyed!
Have a great day!!!

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