Helping Mr. Error

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I walked I to gym early and got changed. To my surprise I didn't see Mr. Error or pj. Pj's group was here so I asked them. I walked over. "Hey Skate Girl!" I called over getting her attention. "Hey y/n!" She said. "Where's Mr. Error? And pj?" I said. "Oh... Ink broke up with error and he's not taking it very well. Pjs helping him but. I don't think it's working very well..." She said sadly. "Oh! Maybe I can help! Do you have Mr. Errors number?" I asked. "Ya! Here. But why?" She said as I took the number down. I giggled. "No reason!" I said as I walked into the girls bathroom. I had Skate girl cover for me sense I would probably miss most of the period. I called the number. It rang for a good minute before he picked it up. "Hello..?" I sadish voice on the other end said. "Um. Hello! Is this Mr error?" I say. "Y-yes. Who is this?" He said. "This is y/n! Your student. I know it's non of my concern but I heard something happened to you I wanted to know if I could help?" I day shyly into the phone expecting him to yell at me. "Y-ya. I could use your help. I don't know what to do... Ink broke up with me and it feels like it was my fault. That I could have stopped it! ITS MY FAULT!!" He said/yelled.
"Mr. Error! It wasn't your fault. If he really left you like this without much if any help. You deserve better! Your an amazing teach and pers- er monster! And I believe in you! You can get passed this!" I say cheerfully. He seemed to laugh a little. "T-thanks y/n. I really needed that." He said. I could hear the new smile on his face. "Your welcome! Now I have to go back to class before my distraction runs out!" I say giggling. "Bye y/n" he said then hanged up. I put my phone away and ran back into gym. Skate girl walked over to me and said loud enough so that me and the sub could hear but no one else. "You sure are feeling better now. Right?" She said whispering to me afterward. "How'd it go?"  "Yes much better!" I say smiling at the sub. "It went amazing!" I day as we walk back over to the bleachers.

Hope u enjoyed! Have a great  day!!!

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