The garden!

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I wake up to the sounds of a camera going off. I look over to see undyne taking pics with BP and pj behind her. "What are you guys doing?" skate girl asked. I didn't even know she was awake. "You guys are too cute!" Undyne said taking another picture before lowering her phone. I saw a jealous BP and pj behind her. Skate girl sighed and put her arms around my waist and back. "Guess you don't want me off?" I whisper quietly. I felt the heat of her blush off her face. "Nah. I le snuggling with cute things. Besides pj and BP are enjoying the show" she whispered back. I giggled quietly. "Wanna she them really mad~?" I ask smirking. "Sure" she said. I wrap my arms around skate girl and pull myself closer to her. I heard undynes camera again. Not to mention the stem coming out of pj and bps head, and the heat of skate girls face full of blush. "They're so mad" she giggled quietly. "I know a way to make them even madder" she whispered to me. "What?" I asked. "Want me to surprise you?" She said her blush incensing. "Sure" "you promise you won't get mad?" She said. "Of course" I say smiling. She lifted my face out from it's spot on her neck to right in front of her face. She seemed to second guess herself. But then I felt a pair of lips pressed against mine. I heard all the pictures being taken and the pj and BP yelling. We pulled away laughing at the boys who were 'dying'. I look behind me to see that Alex just say the whole thing. "You brought your own car right?" I whispered to her. "Ya" "good. Run." I say getting up grabbing her hand and running to the the only car that wasn't lights or pjs. She fumbled with the keys as an angry Alex came our way. "Hurry!" I say as we hop in and drive away. "Where are we going?" She asked driving around. "Um. The park? We could lose him in the woods?" I say as se pushes down on the petal. Around half way there I see Alex's truck following behind us. "He's behind us!" I say. " were almost there!" She said. About a minute later she parked in the parks parking spaces. I quickly pulled her into the woods as Alex's car parked and he started our way. She quickly looked her car as I lead her through. "Where are we going?!" She asked as we ran through leave, sticks, and mud. "A place only I know how to get to" we were a few feet from it when Alex went out of view. I found the branch. I moved it out of the way to reveal a small metal door. I placed my hand on it and a (f/c) and red glow came from my hand and the door opened. I quickly pulled her inside and closed the door behind us. We heard Alex banging on the door 8 seconds later. Yes, I counted. "I  know your in there sis!" He shouted. "Come on" I whispered grabbing her hand as we walked further into the magic looking garden. It had a view at the top where we could see the sky, and a black iron fence all the way around the large opening. Behind it was thick vines and trees. With flowers blooming. The grass was soft and there was a little pond at the edge where we sat down on some rocks. "This place is amazing! How did you find it?" She asked. "When I was younger, I ran into the woods upset with my brother Alex. The door called to me. When I touched it. It opened up and I went inside and bla bla bla. When I was done calming down it was night and the forest was very dark. But then a little light came and lead me out of the forest where Alex was waiting. Now I come here when ever I need to get away from things..." I say looking at the water. I say my self. My (e/c) eyes sparked even with the dark bags under them, an even with all the static my (h/l) (h/c) hair still seemed to shine. My clothes looked dirty. With mud and leaves stuck to them. "We look ruff" skate girl said as I looked over at her and laughed. She was covered with sticks and mud too! "Yeah. Yeah we do" we laughed again. We kept taking till it was dark the place lit up with firefly who danced around the place happily. "Look at the sky!" Skate girl said looking up. "Yeah. It gets very pretty here... We should head back" I say as we make our way back to the exit. I open it up and as he leave the little light shone that Alex had fallen asleep waiting for us. He eyes looked all puffy as if he had been crying him self to sleep. I picked him up. He was only a few years older then me. Yet he worked himself to the bone with all of his jobs. He had even taking mine so I can go to school... My poor brother must have been worried sick. Me and skate girl shared a glance. We both knew he could have gotten sick from being out here. I sighed. "I guess we take him back to my place and you can sleep there too! If you want" I say yawning. "Sure" she said as we made it out of the woods she drove us back to my house. Everyone else had left and light was already asleep. I quietly tucked Alex into bed then went bak into my room where skate girl was waiting. "I can sleep on the couch if you want the bed to your self" I say. "No. No! I. Um. Wouldn't want to steel your bed all to myself" she blushed. "Okie" I say as we snuggled close and fell asleep as the crickets chirped the late night songs.

Hope you enjoyed!
I'm gonna pass out now. 😴
Have a good night!!!

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