Bye Bye Bunny! And A/n!!!

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I was zoned out most of class but that's just because u was busy drawing. Before I knew it the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of class but lucky me. I got stopped by the b*tchs of the school. Bunny and her group. Ya. I know them pj had warned me about them. "First you take Mr. Ink. Then MY PJ?! How dare you!? Who do you think you are!?" She yelled at me after she had pulled me into the girls bathroom. "First of all, I didn't 'take' anyone. Second, You don't own pj" I say looking her in the face. "Oh really~?" She shoved me down. I laughed. "Is that the best you have?" I asked standing back up. "Get her!" Bunny yelled as they started chasing me out of the bathroom. I quickly ran into Mr. Nightmares room. "Mr. Nightmare! Bunny and her group are trying to attack me!" I said falsely pretending to be scared. Then the she-devil ran in and not seeing Mr. Nightmare yelled," get back here loser!". Mr. Nightmare looked at the girls. "Go to the Miss. Temmies office. NOW!" They quickly ran out to the office. "Now. Y/n. Why were you acting scared?" He asked. I was a little shocked but didn't show it. "well. Most people won't believe a perfectly calm person walking up to them say "they were about to be attacked". I just got lucky Bunny ran in and said that" I say bluntly.

Ok I know these chapters r short but that's bcuz I wanted to get them out almost every day! So let me know if u want small chapters everyday. 
Or long ones every few weeks or so.

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