why I haven't updated

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I'm am so sorry that this update is taking so long! So many things have gotten in the way, I know I shouldn't be making excuses.... but~ I'm going to anyway, first off theres school. This first few weeks of school were very busy. Then I was grounded for awhile. (because my sis jumped in a damn hole) Just before I got grounded, 2 important people to me died, and my cat that has been with me sense I was around 3. and I'm sure some of you are thinking, "you could still write, once you got engrounded! why didn't you?" simple, my mood affects my writing, and unless you want self harm, sadness, and non happy tears to invade this happy-go-lucky book. You can't completely rush me. I've already started the next chapter, and I'm trying to include as many ocs as I can. Please do not feel bad If urs is not added, I may have missed it, or thought i could add it somewhere else. 

Thank you for listening to all these excuses, I'm sorry there are here. I know I shouldn't be making any, and for the few of u that read that whole thing. Thank you. 

Have a great day!!!

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